Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 5(2) October-December 2010
1. Henk van Mastrigt
The butterflies of the Genus Delias Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Baliem Valley
Abstract: The records of Delias species encountered by the Archbold II Expedition (1938-1939) in the area of the Baliem Valley and upwards are reviewed and comparison is made with more recent collecting results presented in this paper. Additionally, some notes and comments are made on individual species, including a stat. nov. and three combo nov.
Rangkuman: Hasil Expedisi Archbold II (1938-1939) lagi disajikan, sejauh mana menyangkut Delias dan terfokus pada daerah lembah Baliem ke atas. Perbandingan dibuat dengan hasil yang lebih baru yang disajikan di sin i. Akhirnya sejumlah catatan dan komentar diberikan, termasuk satu stat. nov. dan tiga combo nov.
Keywords: Archbold II Expedition, luteola, combo nov., stat. nov.
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Henk van Mastrigt – Delias Baliem Valley [SUGAPA 5(2) 2010]