Suara Serangga Papua, 2008, 3 (1) July – September 2008
1.Rob de Vos
Scoliacma suzannae and S. adriani, two new species from Papua, Indonesia, and S. flava synonymized with S. heringi (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae)
Abstract: Two new species of the genus Scoliacma Meyrick, 1886 are described from Papua, Indonesia: Scoliacma suzannae spec. nov.and S.adriani spec. nov. The recently new described species Scoliacma flava De Vos & Van Mastrigt, 2007 syn. nov. is synonymized with S.heringi Gaede, 1925. Of all new taxa male and female adults, genitalia and a distribution map are depicted. The lectotype (now designated from syntypes) of Scoliacma heringi and the holotype of S. flava syn. nov. are figured.
lkhlsar: Dua spesies baru genus Scoliacma Meyrick, 1886 dideskripsi dari Papua, Indonesia: Scoliacma suzannae spec. nov. dan S.adriani spec. nov. Species yang baru dideskripsi Scoliacma flava De Vos & Van Mastrigt, 2007 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan S. heringi Gaede, 1925. Dari semua taxa baru gambar jantan dan betina dewasa dan gambar-gambar genitalia disediakan, di samping itu juga da peta distribusi. Foto-foto dari lectotype (yang sekarang ditunjuk dari antara syntypes) Scoliacma heringi dan dari holotype S. flava syn. nov. disediakan.
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