Suara Serangga Papua, 2007, 2 (2) October – December 2007
1.Ferra Ice Julanda Manobi
Diversity and distribution of Odonata at the Manatiungna and Ambokari Rivers at Ambaidiru District Kosiwo, Kabupaten Yapen
During the survey to Ambaidiru (Japen) in July 2006, three members were focussed on Odonata: Vincent Kalkman (Naturalis, Leiden) together with Ferra Manobi and John Kaize (two students of UNCEN). The results of 13 days collecting between 400 and 1200 meter are reported in the final papers of Ferra Manobi. In total 50 species of Odonata were recorded: 24 species of the Suborder Zygoptera, representing 8 families, and 26 species of the Suborder Anisoptera, representing 4 families, as follows:
Calopterygidae 1 | Libellulidae 20 |
Chlorocyphidae 1 | Macromiidae 3 |
Coenagrionidae 8 | Corduliidae 1 |
Platycnemididae 3 | Synthemistidae 1 |
Platysticdae 1 | |
Protoneuridae 2 | |
Megapodagrionidae 4 | |
Ashnidae 4 |
The importance of this survey is underlined in the conclusions, with among others the following statements:
· Previously only thirteen species of Odonata were known from Japen; this survey did increase this number with thirty seven, to fifty species.
· Seven of the fifty species are probably new to science and are objects for further studies.
· More surveys on Japen will surely lead to more new discoveries.