2. Henk van Mastrigt
A new species of Hypolycaena (C. & R. Felder, 1862) from Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

Abstract: Hypolycaena daawiae spec. nov. is described from Blak, a new species which is allied to H. danis.
Rangkuman: Hypolycaena daawiae spec. nov. dari Biak dipertelakan, suatu spesies baru yang dekat dengan H. danis.
Keywords: new species, Biak, Teluk Cenderawasih, Hypolycaena daawiae, Hypolycaena danis.

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3. Henk van Mastrigt
A review of the status of some Delias Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Papua, Indonesia 2. Taxonomie revisions by Yagishita (1993) and Parsons (1999)

Abstract: Over the years, many taxa of Delias have been revised, synonymised, given a new status or used in a new combination. Most but not all of these revisions have been formalized by later authors. ln this publication the status of about thirty taxa revised byYagishita (1993) and Parsons (1999) are examined and clarified.
Rangkuman: Bertahun-tahun lamanya banyak takson Delias direvisi, menjadi sinonim, diberi status yang baru atau digunakan dalam kombinasi yang baru. Kebanyakan revisi ini -tetapi tidak semuanya- diformalkan oleh pengarang yang kemudian. Dalam publikasi ini kedudukan dari sekitar tiga puluh takson yang direvisi ol eh Yagishita (1993) atau/dan Parsons (1999) diperiksa dan diklarifikasi.
Key-words: stat. nov., stat. rev., subspec. nov., syn. nov.

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SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 8 (1) Juli – September 2013

1. Stefan Naumann
Notes on the genus Pararhodia Cockerell, 1914 with description of two new species from mainland of New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)

Abstract: A short overview of the history and the so far described taxa within the solely Papuan genus Pararhodia is given and potential synonymies are discussed briefly. P.acuminalba stat. nov. van Eecke, 1924 is raised to species level. Two taxa are described as new to science: P.hiltrautae spec. nov. from Arfak Mts, West Papua Provo in the Indonesian part of NG and P.ulrichi spec. nov. from the Southwestern parts of Papua New Guinea, with colour pictures and a map. Finally, an updated checklist for the genus Pararhodia is presented.
Rangkuman: Gambaran pendek r,jisajikan tentang sejarah dan takson-takson yang dipertelakan sampai sekarang dari genus Pararhodia yang endemik di Papua; nama-nama yang mungkin sinonim didiskusi. P.acuminalba stat. nov. van Eecke, 1924 ditingkat menjadi spesis penuh. Dua takson dipertelakan: P.hiltrautae spec. nov. dari Pegunungan Arfak, Provo Papua Barat, Indonesia and P.ulrichi spec. nov. dari bagian barat daya Papua New Guinea, termasuk peta dan gambar berwarna. Akhirnya, checklist aktual genus Pararhodia disajikan.
Key-words: new status, checklist, Indonesia, Papua Prov.,West Papua Prov., Papua New Guinea.
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Stefan Naumann – Pararhodia SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]

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2. Mike Wild
First record of a female Delias neeltje (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract:The previously unknown female Delias neeltje, recorded from Mokndoma, Papua, is described and illustrated. Comparison is made between D. neeltje and the closely allied D. clathrata from PNG.
Rangkuman: Deskripsi betina Delias neeltje yang sebelumnya belum dikenal, disajikan, setelah ditangkap di daerah Mokndoma, Papua, Indonesia, dilengkapi dengan foto-foto dan peta. Sekaligus dibuat perbandingan antara D. neeltje dan D. clathrata dari P.N.G.
Keywords: Delias clathrata complex, Central Mountain Range Papua, Indonesia.
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Mike Wild – Delias neeltje SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]

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3. Henk van Mastrigt
A review of Delias rileyi (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: The taxonomie history of Delias rileyi Joicey & Talbot (1922) is presented with some comments. A comparison of diagnostie features of the various subspecies results in a new synonym.
Rangkuman: Sejarah taksonomi Delias rileyi Joicey & Talbot (1922) disajikan dengan komentar. Perbandingan ciri-ciri diagnosis dibuat antara subspesies-subspesies yang menghasilkan satu sinonim baru.
Key-words: West New Guinea, syn. nov. , ssp. extremus, ssp. erici.
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Henk van Mastrigt – Delias rileyi SUGAPA 8(1) [2013]

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SUGAPA 7(4) [2013]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 7 (4) April-Juni 2013

1. Henk van Mastrigt & Mike Wild
The environment of Mokndoma and its Delias (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: The results of collecting at Mokndoma and nearby areas are presented, focusing on the genus Delias and including deseription ofthe hitherto unknown female of D. cyclosticha and a form of D. phippsi mulia. Besides that, a general description is presented of the area of the Wano people with an impression of the entomologie fauna, completed with a few maps and some pictures of butterflies .
Rangkuman: Hasil penelitian di Mokndoma dan sekitarnya disajikan, yang terfokus pada genus Delias, termasuk deskripsi betina D. cyclosticha yang sampai sekarang belum diketahui, dan suatu bentuk D. phippsi mulia. Di samping itu gambaran umum wilayah orang Wano disajikan termasuk suatu kesan fauna serangga, dilengkapi dengan beberapa peta dan gambar-gambar kupu-kupu.
Key-words: Delias phippsi mulia, Delias cyclosticha, Indonesia, Papua.
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Henk van Mastrigt & Mike Wild – Mokndoma SUGAPA 7(4) [2013]

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2. Rob de Vos
Two new Spilosoma species from Indonesian New Guinea (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini)

Abstract: Two new species of the genus Spilosoma Butler, 1875 are described from Indonesian New Guinea: Spilosoma wildi spec. nov. and S. withaari spec. nov. The species are described and the moths and genitalia are figured.
Rangkuman: Dua spesies baru genus Spilosoma Butler, 1875 dipertelakan dari bagian barat New Guinea, Indonesia: Spilosoma wildi spec. nov. dan S. withaari spec. nov. Kedua spesies dideskripsi dan gambar-gambar ngengat dan genitalia disajikan.
Keywords: new species, Spitosoma, Papua, Indonesia.
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Rob de Vos – Spilosoma SUGAPA 7(4) [2013]

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3. Rob de Vos
Three new Agaristinae species and the first record of Argyrolepidia palaea from Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Agaristinae)

Abstract: Two new species in the genus Argyrolepidia Hampson, 1901 and one in the genus Immetalia Jordan, 1896 are described from Indonesian New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Agaristinae). Argyrolepidia azurea spec. nov. is compared with the similar A.lunaris Rothschild & Jordan, 1905. Furthermore a first record of Argyrolepidia palaea Rothschild & Jordan, 1905 is reported for Papua, Indonesia. The new species are depicted including the genitalia.
Rangkuman: Dua spesies baru di genus Argyrolepidia Hampson, 1901 dan satu di genus Immetalia Jordan, 1896 dipertelakan dari bagian barat New Guinea, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Agaristinae). Argyrolepidia azurea spec. nov. dibandingkan dengan A. lunaris Rothschild & Jordan, 1905, yang kelihatannya sama. Selanjutnya penangkapan pertama Argyrolepidia palaea Rothschild & Jordan, 1905 dilapor untuk Papua, Indonesia. Spesiesspesies baru serta genitalianya digambarkan.
Keywords: new species, Agaristinae, Argyrolepidia, Immetalia, New Guinea, Papua.
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SUGAPA 7(3) [2013]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 7 (3) Januari-Maret 2013

1. Henk van Mastrigt
Revision of status of some Delias Hübner, 1819 (lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Papua, Indonesia. 1. D’Abrera’s Revisions

Abstract: Over the years, many taxa of Delias have been revised, synonymized, given a new status or used in a new combination. Most but not all of these revisions have been formalized by later authors. In this publication the status of seventeen taxa synonymized by D’Abrera (1971,1977,1990) are examined and clarified.
Rangkuman: Bertahun-tahun lamanya banyak takson Delias direvisi, menjadi sinonim, diberi status yang baru atau digunakan dalam kombinasi yang baru. Kebanyakan revisi ini – tetapi tidak semuanya – diformalkan oleh pengarang yang kemudian. Dalam publikasi ini kedudukan dari tujuh belas taksen, yang sudah dinyatakan sinonim oleh D’Abrera (1971,1977, 1990),
diperiksa dan diklarifikasi.
Key-words: D’Abrera, synonyms, syn. nov.

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Henk van Mastrigt – Delias I SUGAPA 7(3) [2013]

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2. Gerrit Withaar
Four new species of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini) from Papua and Sulawesi

Abstract: Four species, new to science, of the genus Tmesistemus Latreille, 1829 are described. Two species, Tmesistemus wasiorensis and T.mokwamensis, originate from Papua, Indonesia, two other species, Tmesisternus glabrum and T.sexcostatus are from Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Rangkuman: Empat spesies yang baru untuk ilmu pengetahuan, dari genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 dipertelakan. Dua spesies, Tmesisternus wasiorensis dan T.mokwamensis, berasal dari Papua, Indonesia, dan kedua lainnya, T.glabrum dan T.sexcostatus dari Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Key-words: Cerambycidae, Laminae, Tmesisternini.

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Gerrit Withaar – Tmesisternus from Papua and Sulawesi SUGAPA 7(3) [2013]

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