4. Evie Lilly Warikar
From KEP to PEI Branch Jayapura

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Evie Lilly Warikar (SUGAPA 8 (5) 147-152)

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SUGAPA 8(4) [2014]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2014, 8 (4) April – Juni 2014

1. Mark Goode
Notes on a new subspecies of Euploea phaenareta (Schalier, 1785) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: A new subspecies of Euploea phaenareta (Schalier, 1785) is described from the islands Biak and Supiori, Papua Province, Indonesia. Details pertaining to the general ecology and taxonomy of the new taxon are discussed.
Rangkuman: Subspesies baru dari Euploea phaenareta (Schalier, 1785) dipertelakan dari pulau-pulau Biak dan Supiori, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Data terinci menyangkut ekologi
umum dan taksonomi takson baru ini didiskusi.
Key-words: Apocynaceae, Biak, Chalcosiinae, Hypolimnas, Supiori, Zygaenidae.

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Mark Goode – subspecies Euploea phaenareta (SUGAPA 8(4))

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2. Frans Groenen.   The Papuan Tortricidae-Fauna (Lepidoptera): Stenotenes marmorea, a new species from centralmountain area of Papua (Tortricinae: Schoenotenini)

Abstract: From the province Papua, Indonesia a new species, Stenotenes marmorea spec. nov. is described. Until now females of the genus Stenotenes were unknown. A Stenotenes female is described here for the first time.
Rangkuman: Dari Provinsi Papua, Indonesia spesies baru, Stenotenes marmorea spec. nov., dipertelakan. Sampai sekarang betina dari genus Stenotenes belum diketahui. Suatu betina Stenotenes dideskripsi di sini untuk pertama kalinya.
Keywords: New Guinea, distribution, Jayawijaya Mts.

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Frans Groenen – Stenotenes marmorea SUGAPA 8 (4) 105-108

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3. Chris J. Müller & w. John Tennent
A new species of Hypochrysops Felder & Felder, 1860, from Waigeo Island, Indonesia (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)

Abstract: Hypochrysops akirai spec. nov. , from Waigeo Island, Indonesia, is described and figured. The adult male and its genitalia are compared to those of the related H. heros Grose Smith, 1894, and other species in the H. theon Felder & Felder, 1865, species-group.
Rangkuman: Hypochrysops akirai spec. nov. , dari Pulau Waigeo, Indonesia, dipertelakan termasuk gambarnya. Jantan dewasa dan genitalianya dibandingkan dengan spesies terdekat, H. heros Grose Smith, 1894, dan spesies lain dari kelompok spesies H. theon Felder & Felder, 1865.
Keywords: Hypochrysops akirai, Raja Ampat, Theclinae.

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Muller & Tennent – Hypochrysops (SUGAPA 8(4))

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4. Gerrit Withaar
Four new species of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini) from New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Sulawesi

Abstract: Four species, new to science, of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 are described: Tmesisternus quateae originates from Papua, Indonesia. Tmesisternus shanahani is from the Solomon lslands, Tmesisternus eliptaminus from Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Tmesisternus duffelsi is from Sulawesi.
Rangkuman: Empat spesies baru untuk ilmu dari genus Tmesisternus Latreille,1829 dipertelakan: Tmesisternus quateae berasal dari Papua, Indonesia. Tmesisternus shanahani dari Kepulauan Solomon, Tmesisternus eliptaminus dari Papua New Guinea (PNG) dan Tmesisternus duffelsi dari Sulawesi.
Keywords: : Lamiinae, Papua, PNG, longicorn beetle.

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Gerrit Withaar – Tmesisternus (SUGAPA 8(4))

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SUGAPA 8(3) [2014]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2014, 8 (3) Januari – Maret 2014

1. Rob de Vos
Three taxa from Hulstaert (1924) transfered from Arctiinae (Erebidae) to Lacturidae and Immidae (Lepidoptera) and synonymised

abstract: Darantoides lineolata Hulsteert. 1924 and D. plagiata Hulstaert, 1924, currently placed in the Lithosiini (Erebidae, Arctiinae), are found to belong to the Lacturidae. Darantoides Iineolata Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov. is synonymized with Lactura pyronympha Meyrick, 1923 and Darantoides plagiata Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov. is synonymised with Lactura pyrilampis (Meyrick, 1886). Dichrostoptera basilinea Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov., currently placed in the Lithosiini (Erebidae, Arctiinae), is found to belong to the Immidae and is synonymised with Bursadella timetica (Durrant, 1915).
Rangkuman: Darantoides lineolata Hulstaert, 1924 dan D. plagiata Hulstaert, 1924, yang sementara ditempatkan di Lithosiini (Erebidae, Arctiinael, didapatkan termasuk dalam Lacturidae. Darantoides lineolata Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov. menjadi sinonim dengan Lactura pyronympha Meyrick, 1923 dan Darantoides plagiata Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov. menjadi sinonim dengan Lactura pyrilampis (Meyrick, 1886). Dichrostoptera basilinea Hulstaert, 1924 syn. nov. , sementara ini ditempatkan di Lithosiini (Erebidae, Arctiinae), didapatkan termasuk dalam Immidae dan menjadi sinonim dengan Bursadella timetica (Durrant, 1915).
Key-words: Darantoides, Lactura, Lithosiinae, new synonym, New Guinea, Gustaaf Hulstaert.

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Rob de Vos – Lacturidae-Immidae (SUGAPA 8 (3) 73-75)

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The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

2. Henk van Mastrigt
A review of the status of some Delias Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Papua, Indonesia. 3. Notes on some recent publications

abstract: Delias have been revised, synonymised, given a new status or used
in a new combination.ln this article these revisions are summarised and evaluated in order to arrive at an updated classification of all Delias in Papua.
Rangkuman: Selama dua puluh tahun terakhir sejumlah karangan diterbitkan di mana takson-takson dari Delias direvisi, dinyatakan sinonim, diberikan status baru atau digunakan dalam kombinasi baru. Dalam publikasi ini revisi-revisi tersebut dirangkum dan dievaluasi agar mendapat klasifikasi aktual dari semua Delias di Papua.
Key-words: revisions, synonyms, new status, new combination.

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Henk van Mastrigt – status of some Delias [SUGAPA 8(3)]

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3. Rob de Vos & Merel M. van Haren
A new Spilosoma species found in the Arfak Mountains, Papua Barat, Indonesia and Immetalia mokndoma transfered to Spilosoma (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini)

Abstract: A new species in the subfamily Arctiinae is described, Spilosoma sinnemorum spec.nov. It is the only known specimen so far of this species and was found in the Arfak Mountains during a recent expedition in 2011 by Mrs Jannie and Mr Siep Sinnema. The genitalia and habitus of the imago are depicted. Immetalia mokndoma De Vos, 2013 (originally Noctuidae, Agaristinae) is transferred from Immetalia Jordan, 1896 to Spilosoma Curtis, 1825 (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) and appears to be closely allied.
Rangkuman: Spesies yang baru dalam subfamili Arctiinae dipertelakan, Spilosoma sinnemorum spec. nov. Ini merupakan satu-satunya spesimen yang sampai sekarang diketahui dan ditemukan di pegunungan Arfak pada suatu ekspedisi pada tahun 2011 oleh Ibu Jannie dan Bapak Siep Sinnema. Gambar dari genitalia dan habitus imago disajikan. Immetalia mokndoma De Vos, 2013 (semula Noctuidae, Agaristinae) dipindahkan dari genus Immetalia Jordan, 1896 ke Spilosoma Curtis, 1825 (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) dan ternyata relasinya dekat.
Key-words: Spilosoma, Immetalia, new species, transfer, Papua Barat, Arfak Mountains

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Rob de Vos & Merel van Haren – Spilosoma sinnemorum-mokndoma (SUGAPA 8 (3) 83-89)

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4. Frans Groenen
The Papuan Tortricidae Fauna: Opphiorrhabda mormopa (Meyrick, 1906) (Lepidoptera) a new leafroller for Papua

Abstract: Opphiorrhabda mormopa is reported for the first time from the Papuan province of Indonesia. Information about the distribution and possible foodplants is given.
Rangkuman: Opphiorrhabda mormopa dilaporkan untuk pertama kalinya dari Provinsi Papua (Indonesia). Informasi mengenai distribusi dan sejauh mungkin mengenai makanan ulat disajikan.
Key-words: distribution, Indonesia, Olethreutinae, new record.

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Frans Groenen – Opphiorrhabda mormopa new for Papua

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SUGAPA 8(2) [2013]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2013, 8 (2) Oktober- Deseember 2013

1. Stefan Schröder
Notes on West Papuan (lndonesia) Hypochrysops C. & R. Felder, 1860 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

Abstract: Hypochrysops fuscus spec. nov. , a new species of the Hypochrysops theon-group is described from Sorong in NW West Papua and new distributional records of H. elgneri, H. castaneus, H. arronica, and H. hippuris are given.
Rangkuman: Hypochrysops fuscus spec. nov. , spesies baru kelompok Hypochrysops theon dipertelakan dari Sarong, Barat Laut West Papua dan penemuan baru disajikan, berkait dengan distribusi dari H. elgneri, H. Castaneus, H. arronica, and H. hippuris.
Key-words: Hypochrysops theon-group,Hypochrysops fuscus spec. nov. , distribution.

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Stefan Schroder – West Papuan Hypochrysops [SUGAPA 8(2)]

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