6. Peter Jan de Vries & Mike Wild
Report of a recent entomological collection trip on Cyclops mountain (Indonesia, Papua)

Abstract: An introductory entomological survey is started in the Cyclops Mountains. The area has always been poorly visited in history. A start is made with an inventory of the Lepidoptera fauna during which some interesting and possibly new species were found.
Rangkuman: Survei entomologi awal dilaksanakan di daerah Gunung Cyclops. Sejak dulu, daerah ini jarang sekali dikunjungi oleh peneliti. Pada waku inventaris Lepidoptera (kupu-kupu) dijalankan, beberapa jenis yang menarik ditemukan. Ada kemungkinan ini jenis baru.
Keywords: Cyclops Mountain Range, Dicallaneura, Platypthima, Trigonopterus, new species

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Report of a collection trip on Cyclops mountain [De Vries & Wild, SUGAPA 11(1)-6]

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Volume 10(2) 2017
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Suara Serangga Papua, 10(2) December 2017


1. Eulàlia Gassó Miracle
Koleksi Serangga Papua: collection management and digitization

Abstract: Since the end of 2015, the staff of Kelompok Entomologi Papua (KEP) and the Universitas Cenderawasih (UNCEN) in Waena are responsible for the care of the magnificent entomology collection Koleksi Serangga Papua (KSP). In order to boost the professional management this large collection requires, KEP members co-organized in May 2017 a short Collection Management training, together with UNCEN, the Papua Insects Foundation and Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Also, the four organizations launched a pilot-digitization project (data and image capture), in order to facilitate access to the collection for scientists and students, promoting collection-based research and ensuring the preservation of the KSP specimens. This paper gives a short report of the activities during the Collection Management training and the takeoff of the digitization project.
Rangkuman: Sejak akhir tahun 2015, staf Kelompok Entomologi Papua (KEP) dan Universitas Cenderawasih (UNCEN) di Waena bertanggung jawab atas perawatan koleksi entomologi yang luar biasa dari Koleksi Serangga Papua (KSP). Untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan yang professional yang dibutuhkan oleh koleksi besar ini, anggota KEP menyelenggarakan sebuah pelatihan Manajemen Koleksi singkat di bulan Mei 2017, bersama dengan UNCEN, the Papua Insects Foundation dan Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Selain itu, keempat organisasi tersebut meluncurkan proyek digitalisasi percontohan (pengambilan data dan gambar), bertujuan untuk memudahkan akses koleksi bagi para ilmuwan dan siswa, mempromosikan penelitian berbasis koleksi dan memastikan pelestarian spesimen KSP. Makalah ini memberikan laporan singkat tentang kegiatan-kegiatan selama pelatihan Manajemen Koleksi dan awal pelaksanaan dari proyek digitalisasi.
Keywords: KSP collection, collection management, digitization, accessibility, KEP, UNCEN, Naturalis Biodiversity Center.

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1-Eulalia Gasso-Miracle – Koleksi Serangga Papua, collection management and digitization [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]

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2. Gerrit Withaar
New species of the genus Tmesisternus from New Guinea and the Maluku Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Laminae, Tmesisternini)

Abstract: Eight new species in the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 have been identified. Three of the new species are found in Papua New Guinea, four in Papua, Indonesia and one in the Maluku Islands. The species are described and a comparison is made between some similar species. The habitus of the holotypes and male genital drawings are depicted.
Rangkuman: Delapan spesies baru dalam Genus Tmesisternus Latreille 1829 sudah diidentifikasi. Tiga dari spesies baru tersebut ditemukan di Papua New Guinea, empat spesies dari Papua, Indonesia dan satu spesies dari Kepulauan Maluku. Spesies-spesies tersebut dideskripsi dan perbandingan dibuat untuk spesies yang sama. Diberikan deskripsi habitus dari holotype dan gambar kelamin jantan.
Keywords: Tmesisternus, new species, New Guinea.

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2-Gerrit Withaar – New species of the genus Tmesisternus from New Guinea and the Maluku Islands [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]

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3. Gerrit Withaar
Corrigenda in: Rodenburgia, a new genus in the tribe Tmesisternini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) with two new species

In the presented genera key in SUGAPA 9(2) (April-June 2015), at page 50-51, the genus Sulawesiella was accidentally omitted. Herewith a correct replacement is presented.

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3-Gerrit Withaar – corrigenda of Key to genera Tmesisternini [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]

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4. Rob de Vos, Daawia Suhartawan & Erlani Rahareng
A faunistic orientation visit in 2015 in the unexplored Kumawa Nature Reserve, South Bomberai Peninsula, Papua Barat, Indonesia (Lepidoptera)

Abstract: A report is given on a short visit in 2015 to Kumawa Nature Reserve, Buruway district, in the Southwest of Papua Barat. The area is characterized by pristine lowland rainforest with much wildlife, plants and animals. A list of the encountered Lepidoptera is presented and some interesting species are discussed.
Rangkuman: Sebuah laporan disampaikan pada sebuah kunjungan singkat pada tahun 2015 ke Cagar Alam Kumawa (Kumawa Nature Reserve), Distrik Buruway, di Barat Daya Provinsi Papua Barat. Kawasan ini dicirikan dengan hutan hujan dataran rendah yang masih primitif dengan banyak kehidupan liar, flora dan fauna. Daftar Lepidoptera yang ditemukan disajikan dan beberapa spesies menarik didiskusikan.
Keywords: Kumawa Mountains, Buruway district, Fyria river, orchids, Lepidoptera, nature reserve

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4-Rob de Vos et al. – A faunistic orientation visit in 2015 in the unexplored Buruway district [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]

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5. Mark Goode
Notes on Graphium eurypylus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) with descriptions of two new subspecies from Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: Graphium eurypylus magnificus ssp.nov. is described from Yapen Island, Papua Province, Indonesia, and Graphium eurypylus argenteus ssp.nov. described from Misool Island, West Papua Province, Indonesia. The general ecology and taxonomy of Graphium eurypylus is discussed, in addition to the relationships of the new subspecies to geographically proximate populations of the same species.
Rangkuman: Graphium eurypylus magnificus ssp.nov. dideskripsikan dari Pulau Yapen, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia dan Graphium eurypylus argenteus ssp.nov. dideskripsikan dari Pulau Misool, Provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia. Ekologi dan taksonomi umum Graphium eurypylus didiskusikan, di samping itu sebagai hubungan subspesies baru dengan populasi yang dekat secara geografis dari spesies yang sama.
Keywords: Graphium eurypylus, Lauraceae, Misool Island, Papua, West Papua, Yapen Island.

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5-Mark Goode – Graphium eurypylus Yapen [SUGAPA 10(2)]

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6. Evie Lilly Warikar, Euniche R.P.F. Ramandey and Daawia Suhartawan
Inventory of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of Kurudu Island (Japen Island Regency, Papua, Indonesia)

Abstract: An inventory of the butterflies of Kurudu Island was conducted for about 7 days (22nd-28th October 2016) by using “Transect Count Method on Line Transect”. This inventory revealed 90 butterfly species (Papilionoidea) including Papilionidae (11 species), Pieridae (7), Lycaenidae (23), Nymphalidae (34) and Hesperiidae (15). Based on the “Calculation of Species Richness and Shannon Wiener Diversity Index” (H’), Kurudu Island has a high diversity of butterflies, 90 species found in just 7 days of sampling with an H’ value above 1 (H’=1.629). During sampling on Kurudu Island, Ornithoptera priamus kasandra (Papilionidae) was found.
Rangkuman: Inventarisasi keanekaragaman kupu-kupu di Pulau Kurudu, Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen, dilakukan selama 7 hari aktif (tanggal 22 – 28 Oktober 2016) menggunakan metode Transek Count pada Line Transect. Dari hasil inventarisasi ditemukan 90 spesies kupu-kupu siang Superfamili Papilionoidea yang terdiri dari 11 spesies Famili Papilionidae, 7 spesies Famili Pieridae, 23 spesies Famili Lycaenidae, 34 spesies Famili Nymphalidae, dan 15 spesies Famili Hesperiidae. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan jumlah Kekayaan Spesies (Species Richness) dan perhitungan Indeks Keragaman Shannon Wiener (H‘) terlihat bahwa Pulau Kurudu memiliki keanekaragaman kupu-kupu yang cukup tinggi yaitu 90 spesies yang ditemukan hanya dalam waktu 7 hari sampling dengan nilai H’ di atas 1 yaitu 1.629. Selama pengambilan data di Pulau Kurudu ditemukan spesies kupu-kupu Ornithoptera priamus kasandra dari Famili Papilionidae.
Keywords: Inventory; Kurudu Island, Rhopalocera

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6-Evie Warikar et al. – Inventory of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera_ Rhopalocera) of Kurudu Island (Japen Island Regency, Papua, Indonesia) SUGAPA digital 10(2).doc

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7. Chris Davenport, Olivier Pequin & Peter Jan André de Vries
Delias maaikeae, a new species from the Cyclops Mountains, Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: A new species of genus Delias Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from the Cyclops Mountains of Papua Province, Indonesia is described and illustrated: Delias maaikeae spec.nov. A comparison is made with some allied species.
Rangkuman: Deskripsi spesies baru genus Delias Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) dari Pegunungan Cyclops di Propinsi Papua, Indonesia, disajikan dan digambarkan: Delias maaikeae spec.nov. Spesies baru ini diperbandingkan dengan spesies lain yang dekat.
Keywords: Delias, new species, Cyclops Mountains

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7-Chris Davenport et al. – Delias maaikeae

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SUGAPA 10(1) [2016]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 10(1) October 2016


1. Rob de Vos
In memoriam Henk van Mastrigt

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The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

2. A.P. Mackey
Two new species of Leucoma Hübner, 1822 (Lepidoptera: Lymantriinae) from Papua Indonesia.

Abstract: Two new species of the genus Leucoma Hübner, 1822 are described and the genitalia figured. Both species are from Papua Indonesia.
Rangkuman: Dua spesies baru dari genus Leucoma Hübner, 1822 dipertelakan dan gambar genetialianya disajikan. Kedua spesies dari Papua Indonesia.
Keywords: Erebidae

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