2. Rob de Vos.
Three new Arctiinae species from Lake Habbema (Lorentz National Park) in Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)

Abstract: Three new Arctiinae (Erebidae) from Lake Habbema (Lorentz National Park), Papua, Indonesia, are described of previous already revised genera: Spilosoma renateae spec. nov., Oeonosia lorentz spec. nov. and Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema spec. nov. The species are compared with allied species and imagines and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Tiga spesies baru Arctiinae (Erebidae) dari Danau Habbema (Taman Nasional Lorentz), Papua, Indonesia dideskripsi dari Genera yang telah direvisi sebelumnya: Spilosoma renateae spec. nov., Oeonosia lorentz spec. nov dan Cyana (Cryptanaema) habbema spec. nov. Spesies-spesies ini dibandingkan dengan spesies sekerabat, gambar dan alat kelamin (genitalia) dibuat deskripsinya.
Keywords: Spilosoma, Oeonosia, Cyana, new species, Lake Habbema, New Guinea

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3.Thomas Sobczyk.
Contribution to the knowledge of Oiketicinae from the Indo-Australian region with focus on New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)

Abstract:The examination of collection material led to new knowledge of the Oiketicinae. The results are presented in the present work. The following species from the Indo-Australian region are new to science and are described below: Chaliodes perspicua spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Chaliodes translucida spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua), Amatissa sentaniensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Amatissa papuana spec. nov. (Papua New Guinea), Hyalinaria nigrobasis spec. nov. (Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, West Papua), Eumeta fenestrella spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Eumeta meraukensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua), Eumeta timorensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara), Pseudoclania incana spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Pseudoclania fragilis spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Pseudoclania obiensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, North Maluku), Pseudoclania bacanensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, North Maluku), Acanthopsyche corusca spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Acanthopsyche perlucida spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua), Acanthopsyche wandammensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua) and Acanthopsyche simulata spec. nov. (Indonesia, West Papua).
These species and further species are characterized, imagines illustrated and the genital structure shown. Additional Amatissa fuscescens (Snellen, 1879), Claniades ekeikei Bethune-Baker, 1908, Hyalinaria fuscibasis Bethune-Baker, 1910 and Pseudoclania dinawaensis Bethune-Baker, 1915 are redescribed. A checklist of the Psychidae fauna of New Guinea is given.

Rangkuman: Pengujian materi koleksi menghasilkan pengetahuan baru dari Oiketicinae. Hasilnya dihadirkan pada paper ini. Spesies-spesies berikut ini berasal dari Wilayah Indo-Australia, merupakan spesies baru bagi ilmu pengetahuan yang dideskripsi sebagai berikut: Chaliodes perspicua spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Chaliodes translucida spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua), Amatissa sentaniensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Amatissa papuana spec. nov. (Papua New Guinea), Hyalinaria nigrobasis spec. nov. (Papua New Guinea dan Indonesia, Papua Barat), Eumeta fenestrella spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Eumeta meraukensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua), Eumeta timorensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Timor), Pseudoclania incana spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Pseudoclania fragilis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Pseudoclania obiensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Maluku Utara), Pseudoclania bacanensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Maluku Utara), Acanthopsyche corusca spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Acanthopsyche perlucida spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat), Acanthopsyche wandammensis spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua) dan Acanthopsyche simulata spec. nov. (Indonesia, Papua Barat). Spesies-spesies ini dan spesies lebih lanjut diberikan karakteristiknya, gambar-gambar diberikan ilustrasi dan ditunjukan struktur alat kelamin (genitalia). Sebagai tambahan Amatissa fuscescens (Snellen, 1879), Clanides ekeikei Bethune-Baker, 1908, Hyalinaria fuscibasis Bethune-Baker, 1910 dan Pseudoclania dinawaensia Bethune-Baker 1915 dideskripsi ulang. Diberikan Checklist Fauna Psychidae New Guinea.
Keywords: Lepidoptera, Psychidae, Oiketicinae, new species, New Guinea.

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4.Frans Groenen
Review of the genus Peridaedala Meyrick, 1925, with description of new species and additional data to known species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Olethreutinae)

Abstract: A revision of the genus Peridaedala Meyrick, 1925 is presented. The description of the genus is revised and several additional new characteristics of the genus are described.
54 species are new to science: Peridaedala sinuata spec. nov., P. beryllgrapta spec. nov., P. duffelsi spec. nov., P. alboviritana spec. nov., P. caerula spec. nov., P. malayata spec. nov., P. pagona spec. nov., P. pseudoviritana spec. nov., P. viritana spec. nov., P. albonigricana spec. nov., P. alboareana spec. nov., P. badasa spec. nov., P. barikuna spec. nov., P. alalata spec. nov., P. pseudthylacophora spec. nov., P. retaki spec. nov., P. dauloa spec. nov., P. sabahana spec. nov., P. hijauana spec. nov., P. infinitana spec. nov., P. kinabaluana spec. nov., P. sublineana spec. nov., P. carriedo spec. nov., P. latusa spec. nov., P. russea spec. nov., P. janbatana spec. nov., P. hitama spec. nov., P. hitabatana spec. nov., P. crockerana spec. nov., P. axiliara spec. nov., P. hamofascia spec. nov., P. triangua spec. nov., P. angustalata spec. nov., P. juta spec. nov., P. tigacana spec. nov., P. basisana spec. nov., P. ponikiana spec. nov., P. melipatana spec. nov., P. amaryssa spec. nov., P. raleighiana spec. nov., P. quadrisegitigana spec. nov., P. monkoboa spec. nov., P. dumogabonana spec. nov., P. doiana spec. nov., P. camerona spec. nov., P. brunnei spec. nov., P. brinchangana spec. nov., P. bigamma spec. nov., P. muajatana spec. nov., P. tanpalipata spec. nov., P. kecilana spec. nov., P. nigravridana spec. nov., P. longifronsana spec. nov. and P. rantemarioana spec. nov.
Another three species were found in the collection of BMNH, but because the abdomens are missing from the unique specimens these are left out of consideration.
From P. archaea Diakonoff, 1953 and P. nigrifasciana Groenen & Wangdi, 2019 the males and from P. prasina Diakonoff, 1953 the female is described for the first time. From most species the adults and genitalia are depicted, except for P. stenygra Razowski, 2013, P. hagna Diakonoff, 1948, P. stenoglypha Diakonoff, 1968 and P. tonkinana Kuznetsov, 1988. From P. chlorissa Meyrick, 1912 and P. Optabilana Kuznetsov, 1979 only the male genitalia are figured.

Rangkuman: Menghadirkan revisi genus Peridaedala Meyrick, 1925. Deskripsi genus direvisi dan menambahkan beberapa karakteristik baru dari genus tersebut. Ditemukan 54 spesies baru bagi sains: Peridaedala sinuata spec. nov., P. beryllgrapta spec. nov., P. duffelsi spec. nov., P. alboviritana spec. nov., P. caerula spec. nov., P. malayata spec. nov., P. pagona spec. nov., P. pseudoviritana spec. nov., P. viritana spec. nov., P. albonigricana spec. nov., P. alboareana spec. nov., P. badasa spec. nov., P. barikuna spec. nov., P. alalata spec. nov., P. pseudthylacophora spec. nov., P. retaki spec. nov., P. dauloa spec. nov., P. sabahana spec. nov., P. hijauana spec. nov., P. infinitana spec. nov., P. kinabaluana spec. nov., P. sublineana spec. nov., P. carriedo spec. nov., P. latusa spec. nov., P. russea spec. nov., P. janbatana spec. nov., P. hitama spec. nov., P. hitabatana spec. nov., P. crockerana spec. nov., P. axiliara spec. nov., P. hamofascia spec. nov., P. triangua spec. nov., P. angustalata spec. nov., P. juta spec. nov., P. tigacana spec. nov., P. basisana spec. nov., P. ponikiana spec. nov., P. melipatana spec. nov., P. amaryssa spec. nov., P. raleighiana spec. nov., P. quadrisegitigana spec. nov., P. monkoboa spec. nov., P. dumogabonana spec. nov., P. doiana spec. nov., P. camerona spec. nov., P. brunnei spec. nov., P. brinchangana spec. nov., P. bigamma spec. nov., P. muajatana spec. nov., P. tanpalipata spec. nov., P. kecilana spec. nov., P. nigravridana spec. nov., P. longifronsana spec. nov. dan P. rantemarioana spec. nov.
Dari P. archaea Diakonoff, 1953 dan P. nigrifasciana Groenen & Wangdi, 2019 jantan dan dari P. prasina Diakonoff, 1953 betina dideskripsi untuk pertama kalinya. Untuk hampir semua spesies dewasa dan alat kelamin (genitalia) dideskripsi dan diberikan ilustrasi, kecuali untuk P. stenygra Razowski, 2013, P. hagna Diakonoff, 1948, P. stenoglyoha Diakonoff, 1958 dan P. tonkinana Kuznetsov, 1988. Dari P. chlorissa Meyrick, 1912 dan P. optabilana Kuznetsov, 1979 hanya alat kelamin jantan yang tersedia gambarnya. Keywords: Eucosmini, Peridaedala, revision, description, Australia, Asia

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Volume 12(1) 2019
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua , 12(1) October 2019

1. Peter Mackey.
A note on Dendrophleps lobipennis (Swinhoe, 1892) (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Lymantriinae) with a description of the female

Abstract: The previously unknown female of Dendrophleps lobipennis (Swinhoe, 1892) is described and the genitalia figured. The male genitalia are described and figured for the first time. The characteristic veinlets from 3A to the anal margin of the hindwing found in other species of Dendrophleps are absent in D. lobipennis. Nevertheless, features of the male genitalia place this species firmly within the genus. Known previously only from Dorey (Manokwari), Papua Indonesia this species is now recorded from several localities across New Guinea.
Rangkuman: Betina dari Dendrophleps lobipennis (Swinhoe, 1892), yang sebelumnya belum diketahui, diperletakan dan gambar genetalianya disajikan. Genetalia jantan diletakan dan disajikan untuk pertama kali. Urat-urat nadi yang jalan dari 3A ke batas anal dari sayap belakang, yang adalah ciri khas dari spesies Dendrophleps yang lain, tidak kelihatan di D. lobipennis. Walaupun begitu, fitur-fitur genetalia jantan menunjukan dengan jelas bahwa spesies ini anggota dari genus Dendrophleps. Spesies ini, yang sebelumnya hanya diketahui dari Dorey (Manokwari), Papua Indonesia, sekarang diketahui dari berbagai tempat di New Guinea.
Keywords: Dendrophleps, female, description, New Guinea, Lymantriinae

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2. János Oláh & Peter Jan André de Vries.
On the Trichoptera of the Cyclops Mountains (Papua, Indonesia)

Abstract: Biodiversity research is badly limited by the present devastated state of the western taxonomy. In this paper we have tested the “virginity ratio”: how many undescribed and described species are present in a sample collected during a single evening in the Cyclops Nature Reserve, Papua, Indonesia. We have recorded seven known species: Chimarra cyclopica Kimmins, 1962, C. sinuosa Kimmins, 1962, Ecnomus cyclopicus Kimmins, 1962, Diplectrona semes Oláh & Mey, 2013, Hydropsyche flintorum Oláh & Johanson, 2008, Agapetus latosus Ross, 1951, Anisocentropus immunis MachLachlan, 1863 and nineteen unknown species described here: Chimarra aikei spec. nov., C. davidi spec. nov., C. josieae spec. nov., C. hendriki spec. nov., C. mendii spec. nov., C. befordula spec. nov., Cheumatopsyche kitera spec. nov., Abacaria kimera spec. nov., Hydropsyche simala spec. nov., H. tompula spec. nov., Baliomorpha maninae spec. nov., Agapetus villas spec. nov., A. hullamos spec. nov., A. picin spec. nov., A. tus spec. nov., Anisocentropus cyclopicus spec. nov., Oecetis josievriesae spec. nov., Triaenodes aikevriesi spec. nov. and T. davidvriesi spec. nov. We have described three more new species as misidentifications from other Papuan regions: Hydropsyche kasimiri spec. nov., H. nakala spec. nov. and Agapetus ives spec. nov.
All new species are described and habitus and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Pada saat ini ilmu taksonomi di daerah Barat adalah dalam situasi buruk. Situasi buruk ini sangat membatasi penelitian keanekaragaman hayati. Di publikasi ini kami menguji “virginity ratio”: jumlah spesies yang belum dikenal dibandingkan dengan jumlah spesies yang sudah diketahui, dalam sampel yang dikoleksi pada satu malam di Cyclops Nature Reserve, Papua, Indonesia. Kami ketemu tujuh spesies yang sudah diketahui: Chimarra cyclopica Kimmins, 1962, C. sinuosa Kimmins, 1962, Ecnomus cyclopicus Kimmins, 1962, Diplectrona semes Oláh & Mey, 2013, Hydropsyche flintorum Oláh & Johanson, 2008, Agapetus latosus Ross, 1951, Anisocentropus immunis MachLachlan, 1863 ; dan sembilanbelas spesies baru yang deletakan disini: Chimarra aikei spec. nov., C. davidi spec. nov., C. josieae spec. nov., C. hendriki spec. nov., C. mendii spec. nov., C. befordula spec. nov., Cheumatopsyche kitera spec. nov., Abacaria kimera spec. nov., Hydropsyche simala spec. nov., H. tompula spec. nov., Baliomorpha maninae spec. nov., Agapetus villas spec. nov., A. hullamos spec. nov., A. picin spec. nov., A. tus spec. nov., Anisocentropus cyclopicus spec. nov., Oecetis josievriesae spec. nov., Triaenodes aikevriesi spec. nov. danT. davidvriesi spec. nov. Kami juga letakan tiga spesies dari daerah lain di Papua yang sebelumnya salah identifikasi: Hydropsyche kasimiri spec. nov., H. nakala spec. nov. dan Agapetus ives spec. nov. Semua spesies baru diletakan disini serta gambar lingkungan hidupnya dan gambar genetalianya.
Keywords: Virginity ratio of biodiversity, Trichoptera, new species, New Guinea, Cyclops Mts.

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3. Gerrit Withaar.
Six new species of the genus Trigonoptera Perroud, 1855 from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Tmesisternini)

Abstract: Six new Trigonoptera species are described, all from New Guinea. Three were found in the Indonesian part: Trigonoptera enarotali spec. nov., T. mastrigti spec. nov. and T. toxopeusi spec. nov., and the other three were found in Papua New Guinea: T. onarunka spec. nov. , T. archboldi spec. nov. and T. bisianumu spec. nov. All adults and the male genitalia of T. bisianumu are depicted. The diagnostic characters are compared with allied species.
Rangkuman: Enam spesies baru Trigonoptera diperletakan, semua dari New Guinea. Tiga spesies ditemukan di bagian Papua, Indonesia: Trigonoptera enarotali spec. nov., T. mastrigti spec. nov. dan T. toxopeusi spec. nov. , dan tiga spesies ditemukan di bagian Papua New Guinea: T. onarunka spec. nov., T. archboldi spec. nov. dan T. bisianumu spec. nov. Semua gambar spesies baru dan gambar genetalia dari T. bisianumu disajikan. Ciri-ciri khas spesies baru dibandingkan dengan ciri-ciri khas spesies yang bersekutu.
Keywords: New species, Cerambycidae, Trigonoptera, New Guinea, Papua, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.

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4. Rob de Vos.
The “underwing” Lambula species from New Guinea with twelve new species (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Abstract: The so called “underwing” Lambula species from New Guinea, with vivid coloured and patterned underwings, are reviewed. Of the eighteen known species belonging to this group twelve are new to science: Lambula albicentra spec. nov., L. arfakensis spec. nov., L. costiplaga spec. nov., L. flavibasis spec. nov., L. fuscibasis spec. nov., L. longiductus spec. nov., L. marginata spec. nov., L. nigrescens spec. nov., L. pallescens spec. nov., L. sibilensis spec. nov., L. tristis spec. nov. and L. vanrossemi spec. nov. Two taxa are synonymized: Lambula dampierensis Rothschild, 1916 syn. nov. and Darantasia triangulum Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. are both junior synonyms of Ilema cuprea Rothschild, 1912 (now in Lambula). The species are (re)described, adults and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Spesies-spesies Lambula dari New Guinea ditinjau. Spesies-spesies ini juga disebut dengan nama “sayap bawah”. Warna dan pola sayap bawah spesies ini sangat jelas. Dari delapanbelas spesies di dalam kelompok ini, ada duabelas yang baru diketahui: Lambula albicentra spec. nov., L. arfakensis spec. nov., L. costiplaga spec. nov., L. flavibasis spec. nov., L. fuscibasis spec. nov., L. longiductus spec. nov., L. marginata spec. nov., L. nigrescens spec. nov., L. pallescens spec. nov., L. sibilensis spec. nov., L. tristis spec. nov. dan L. vanrossemi spec. nov. Dua taksa dijadikan sinonim: Lambula dampierensis Rothschild, 1916 syn. nov. dan Darantasia triangulum Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. dua-duanya adalah sinomim dari Ilema cuprea Rothschild, 1912 (sekarang bagian Lambula). Semua spesies ini diletakan (ulang) dan gambar spesies serta gambar genetalianya disajikan.
Keywords: Lambula, underwings, new species, New Guinea

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5. Matteo Grasso.
Three new species of Eupholus Boisduval (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) from West New Guinea

Abstract: Three new species of the genus Eupholus Boisduval 1835 from West New Guinea are described: Eupholus faisali spec. nov., E. bortolussii spec. nov. and E. casadioi spec. nov. The adults and genitalia are depicted.
Rangkuman: Tiga spesies baru genus Eupholus Boisduval 1835 dari New Guinea Barat diletakan: Eupholus faisali spec. nov., E. bortolussii spec. nov. dan E. casadioi spec. nov. Gambar spesies serta gambar genetalianya disajikan.
Keywords: West New Guinea, Eupholus, new species

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Volume 11(2) 2019
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Suara Serangga Papua , 11(2) February 2019

1.Chris Davenport & Nicolas Grimaldi.
A new subspecies of Delias clathrata Rothschild,1904 and records of other Delias species occurring on Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae)

Abstract: A new subspecies of Delias clathrata Rothschild & Jordan, 1904 from the Mt Hagen area of central Papua New Guinea is described and illustrated, comparison is made with allied forms. The female of Delias hagenensis Morinaka, Van Mastrigt & Sibatani, 1993 is illustrated for the first time. The identity, occurrence and behavior of other Delias species found on Mt Hagen are discussed.
Rangkuman: Subspesies baru dari Delias clathrata Rothschild & Jordan, 1904 yang berasal dari Gunung Hagen, Papua New Guinea bagian tengah dideskripsikan dan diilustrasikan, perbandingan dibuat dengan bentuk bentuk yang bersekutu. Betina Delias hagenensis Morinaka, Van Mastrigt & Sibatani, 1993 diilustrasikan untuk pertama kali. Identitas, kehadiran dan tingkah laku spesies Delias lainnya yang ditemukan di Gunung Hagen juga didiskusikan.
Keywords: new subspecies, Pieridae, Delias, Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea

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2.Gerrit Withaar.
Tmesisternus ramuensis, a new name for the homonym Tmesisternus ramues Withaar, 2018 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Tmesisternini)

Abstract: A new name is proposed for the homonym Tmesisternus ramues Withaar, 2018.
Rangkuman: Nama baru diajukan untuk homonym Tmesisternus ramues Withaar, 2018.

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