5. Henk van Mastrigt
Danaus affinis in Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Danainae, Nymphalidae)

Abstract: The distribution of Danaus affinis ssp. in Papua. Indonesia is presented. A new
subspecies is described from the lower mountains outside the Baliem Valley. Also a map
and illustrations of various subspecies and forms are presented.
Ikhtisar: Distribusi dari Danaus affinis ssp. di Papua, Indonesia disajikan, Suatu subspecies baru dari pegunungan rendah di luar lembah Baliem diletakan. Juga peta distribusi dan gambar-gambar subspesies dan bentuk-bentuk diberikan.
Keywords: Distribution, new subspecies.

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6. Henk van Mastrigt
First pictures of genitalia of Delias (Hübner, 1819) sp. from the Foja Mountains, Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: Three species of the genus Delias from the Foja Mountains are iIIustrated here with the male genitalia.
Ikhtisar: Dari tig a spesies genus Delias dari Pegunungan Foja disajikan ilustrasi bagian atas dan bawah dan genetalia jantan.
Keywords: Delias cumanau, D. durai, D. ormoensis

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SUGAPA 4(1) [2009]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 4 (1) Juli-September 2009

1. Rob de Vos
The species of the genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe from New Guinea, with description of a new species and the transfer of another to a new genus (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae)

Abstract: The species of the genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe, 1901 occurring in New Guinea are reviewed. Of the nine recognized Monosyntaxis species in Indo-Australia only three are known from New Guinea. One of these is a new species which is recently discovered, Monosyntaxis bimaculata spec. nov. from the Foja Mountains, and is described here. Chrysaeglia samoana Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. is synonymized with Chrysaeglia samoensis Rebel, 1915, which morphologically belongs to em>Monosyntaxis. Oeonistis metalleseens Rothschild, 1912, which was previously supposed to belong to Monosyntaxis turned out to belong to another new genus and is transferred to Papuasyntaxis gen. nov. The adults and the genitalia of all New Guinea species are depicted.
Rangkuman: Spesies-spesies dari genus Monosyntaxis Swinhoe, 1901 yang ada di New Guinea direvisi. Dari sembilan spesies Monosyntaxis di Indo-Australia hanya tiga diketahui dari New Guinea. Satu di antaranya baru-baru ini ditemukan, Monosyntaxis bimaculata spec. nov.dari Pegunungan Foja, dan diletakkan di sini. Chrysaeglia samoana Gaede, 1925 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan Chrysaeglia samoensis Rebel, 1915, yang secara morfologis termasuk Monosyntaxis. Oeonistis metallescens Rothschild, 1912, yang sebelumnya dianggap termasuk dalam Monosyntaxis ternyata termasuk dalam suatu genus yang baru dan dipindahkan ke dalam Papuasyntaxis gen. nov. Gambar-gambar dari imago dan genitalia dari semua New Guinea spesies disajikan.
Keywords: Papuasyntaxis, Chrysaeglia, Oeonistis, gen. nov., spec. nov., Foja Mountains.
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2. Vincent J. Kalkman, Henk van Mastrigt & Stephen J. Richards
First records of dragonflies (Odonata) from the Foja Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia

Abstract: A small collection of dragonflies obtained during two RAP biodiversity surveys to the Foja Mountains, organised by Conservation International with help of LlPI, Bogor, in 2005 and 2008 are brought on record. Twelve species were found at two sites below 100 m near Kwerba, a small village adjacent to the Mamberamo River. Thirteen species were
recorded at ‘Moss Camp’ at 1650 m in the Foja Mountains. Of these Hemicordulia ericetorum was previously only known from the central mountain range while Oreaeschna dictatrix was only known from Lake Paniai and the Cyclops Mountains. It is likely that more genera and species now known only from the central mountain range occur in the Foja Mountains and probably also the Van Rees Mountains. However one species, Argiolestes spec. nov. is probably endemic to the Foja Mountains. Although this collection includes only a small fraction of the diversity likely to be present in the mountains it is nonetheless of interest as it represents the first records of dragonflies from the area.
Ikhtisar: Sejumlah kecil capung diperoleh selama dua survei keragaman (RAP) ke Pegunungan Foja yang diselenggarakan ol eh Conservation International dalarn kerja sama dengan LlPI, Bogor, pada tahun 2005 dan 2008. Duabelas spesies dikoleksi di dua lokasi di bawah 100 m dpl di sekitar Kwerba, suatu kampong di pinggir Mamberamo. Tigabelas spesies dikumpulkan di ‘Moss Camp; pada 1650 m dpl. di Pegunungan Foja. Di antaranya Hemicordulia ericetorum yang hanya diketahui dari pegunungan tengah dan Oreaeschna dictatrix yang hanya diketahui dari daerah danau Paniai dan Pegunungan Cyclops. Barangkali lebih banyak genus dan spesies yang sampai sekarang hanya diketahui dari pegunungan tengah hadir Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 4 (1) Juli – September 2009 15 di Pegunungan Fojadan juga di Pegunungan Van Rees.Namun, satu spesies, Argiolestes spec. nov., barangkali endemik di Pegunungan Foja. Walaupun jumlah kecil ini hanya sebagian kecil dari keragaman capung yang barangkali hadir di pegunungan, namun hasilnya penting karena merupakan hasil capung pertama dari wilayah tersebut.

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3. Students’ Corner

Two students of the Universitas Cenderawasih (UNCEN)at Waena, Jayapura finished
their studies with a final paper (in Indonesian language) on an entomological
subject, as follows:
On June 21st, 2009 Yohanes L. A. Kaize with final paper, titled:
Studi Perbandingan Keragaman Spesies Capung (Odonata) di dalam dan di
luar Kawasan laman Nasional Wasur Kabupaten Merauke.

Comparison Study on the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) inside
and outside the National Reserve Wasur, Kabupaten Merauke.

On November 3rd, 2009 Klemens S. Naraha with final paper, titled:
Studi Perbandingan Keragaman Kupu-kupu Superfamili Papilionoidea di
Wilayah Biak limur dan Biak Barat Kabupaten Biak Numfor.
Comparison Study on the diversity of butterflies of the Superfamily Papilionoidea
in the region East Biak and West Biak, Kabupaten Biak Numfor.

On September 9th, 2009 Santhi Kanony, student of the Universitas Kristen Indonesia
(UKlP), at Sorong, finished her studies with a final paper (in Indonesian language)
onan entomological subject, titled:
Diversitas dan Distribusi Kupu-kupu Famili Nymphalidae pada Habitat Kali,
Kebun dan Hutan di Desa Malawor Distrik Makbon Kabupaten Sorong Provinsi
Papua Barat.

The diversity and distribution of Nymphalid butterflies at the river site, gardens
and forest, at Malawor village, District Makbon, Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat
In the following pages of this issue of SUGAPA attention will be paid on the content
of the three above mentioned studies.

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SUGAPA 3(4) [2009]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 3 (4) April-Juni 2009

1.D. Peggie , R.I. Vane-Wrighe & H. v. Mastrigt
A new member of the Ideopsis gaura superspecies (Lepidoptera: Danainae) from the Foja Mountains, Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: A new member of the Ideopsis gaura superspecies, Ideopsis (ldeopsis) fojana sp. nov., from the Foja Mountains, Papua, Indonesia, is described. This new species is the most easterly representative of the superspecies yet discovered. Reasons for according this taxon status as a semispecies (rather than subspecies) within th is taxonomically challenging group are discussed.
Ikhtisar: Satu anggota baru dari superspesies Ideopsis gaura, Ideopsis (ldeopsis) fojana sp. nov., dari Pegunungan Foja, Papua, Indonesia, dipertelakan. Spesies baru ini merupakan perwakilan yang dijumpai paling timur di antara anggota superspesies yang telah dikenal sebelumnya. Alasan pemberian status semispesies dan bukan subspecies kepada takson ini diuraikan dalam makalah ini.
Keywords: Nymphalidae, milkweed butterflies, taxonomy, distribution, Ideopsis fojana new species, Ideopsis vitrea, subspecies.

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2. Gerrit Withaar
Addenda & Corrigenda
The distribution of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini), with the description of six new species from the Indonesian islands Flores and Sulawesi

This publication was printed in SUGAPA 3(3): 14-27. However, unfortunately some
important printing errors were made which may cause some confusion or
misinterpretation. Therefore it is necessary to present addenda and corrigenda as
given below. The colour plate with figures 1 – 6 is replaced with a new one.
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3. Student’s corner

In February 2009 three students of the Papua State University (UNIPA, Universitas
Negeri Papua) at Manokwari finished their studies each with a final paper (in
Indonesian language) on an entomological subject, as follows:
Angginta Renta Simanjuntak passed on February 18th 2009 with the title:
Inventarisasi Spesies Capung (Odonata) di Kawasan Cagar Alam
Pegunungan Wondiboi Distrik Rasiei Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

Inventory of Dragonflies and Damselflies Species (Odonata) in the Reserve
Area of the Wondiboi Mountains, District Rasiei,Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

Diah Rikamawanti passed on February 19th 2009 with the title:
Inventarisasi Spesies Kumbang (Coleoptera) di Kawasan Cagar Alam
Pengunungan Wondiboi Distrik Rasiei Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

Inventory of beetle species (Coleoptera) in the Reserve Area of the
Wondiboi Mountains, District Rasiei, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

Aini Shintawati passed on February 20th 2009 with the title:
Keanekaragaman Spesies Kupu-kupu (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
di Kampung Tandia Distrik Rasiei Kabupaten Teluk Wondama

Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) at the Tandlavillaqe,
District Rasiei, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama.

In June 2009 two students of the Universitas Cenderawasih (UNCEN) at Waena,
Jayapura will finish their studies each with a final paper (in Indonesian language)
on an entomological subject, as follows:
Yarius Pakage:
Eksplorasi Keragaman Spesies Belalang Tongkat (Phasmatodea) di
Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops (CAPC) Kabupaten Jayapura

Exploration on the diversity of stickinsects (Phasmatodea) in the Reserve
Area of the Cyclops Mountains, Kabupaten Jayapura

John Kaize:
Studi Perbandingan Keragaman Spesies Capung (Odonata) di dalam
dan di luar Kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur Kabupaten Merauke

Comparison study on the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata)
inside and outside the National Reserve Wasur, Kabupaten Merauke
In this and the following issues of SUGAPA attention will be paid on the content
of the above mentioned studies.

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SUGAPA 3(3) [2009] <
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 3 (3) January-March 2009

  1. Henk van Mastrigt

Some notes on Delias (Hübner, 1819) from the Foja Mountains, Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: The second survey to the Foja Mts (at 1,650 m) increased the number of Delias
species recorded in that area from eight to twelve, including a new species described below. On 1,250 m three species were collected, including one not recorded at 1,650 m. Further information about the Foja Delias, including descriptions of the female of D. durai and the male of D. microsticha weja is provided.
Ikhtisar: Survei kedua ke Pegunungan Foja meningkatkan jumlah spesies Delias di daerah
itu (1.650 m) dari delapan menjadi dua belas, termasuk satu spesies baru yang diletakkan
di bawah ini. Pada ketinggian 1.250 m tiga spesies ditangkap, termasuk satu yang tidak
diobservasi pada ketinggian 1.650 m. Catatan-catatan tambahan diberikan tentang Delias
Peg. Foja, termasuk deskripsi betina D. durai dan jantan D. microsticha weja.
Keywords: new species.

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2. Gerrit Withaar
The distribution of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini), with the description of six new species from the Indonesian islands Flores and Sulawesi

Abstract: The genus Tmesisternus with its 257 described species is known from Kangea till
Solomon Islands and N. Australia. 242 Species occur in New Guinea, including 175 endemic species. Recent surveys and studies in musea have lead to the recognition of six new species, four from Sulawesi and two from Flores, which are described here. Besides that a key is given for the specimens of Sulawesi.
Ikhtisar: Genus Tmesisternus dengan 257 spesies yang dideskripsi, diketahui dari pulau
Kangea sampai Kepulauan Solomon dan Australia Utara. 242 Spesies hadir di New Guinea, termasuk 175 spesies yang endemik. Penelitian yang baru dan studi di museum-museum menghasilkan enam spesies baru, yaitu empat dari Sulawesi dan dua dari Flores, yang diletakkan di bawah ini. Di samping itu kunci untuk semua spesies dari Sulawesi disajikan.

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