3.Henk van Mastrigt, less Piran & Beatrix Wanma
Diversity and distribution of Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) in the south eastern part of Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: In 2007 a survey was carried out in the savannah area near Merauke in south east Papua. Two years later, WWF organized a survey in the nearby Mappi and Asmat area. The results of both surveys are presented with a list of the 148 species recorded and some notes about significant taxa.
Ikhtisar: In 2007 diadakan survei di daerah sabana di Merauke. Dua tahun kemudian WWF mengadakan suatu survei di daerah Mappi dan Asmat. Hasil dua survei tersebut disajikan di sini dengan daftar 148 spesis dan beberapa catatan pada spesis yang menarik perhatian.
Keywords: Butterflies, Merauke, Asmat.

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4.Stefan Schröder
A new species of Epimastidia Druce, 1891 from Papua,Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

Abstract: A new species of the genus Epimastidia closely related to E. inops is described from the Baliem Valley in Papua, Indonesia.
Ikhtisar: Spesis baru dipertelakan dari genus Epimastidia yang dekat dengan E. inops dan berasal dari lembah Baliem, Papua, Indonesia.
Keywords: Polyommatini, Jamides, New Guinea.

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5.Flora Gratiana Adeodata
Keanekaragaman dan Penyebaran Spesies Kupukupu Famili Nymphalidae (Subfamili Charaxinae, Apaturinae, Nymphalinae dan Heliconiinae) di Papua

Abstract: The rapid clearance of rain forest by logging companies and conversion of land for various uses such as agriculture, industry and human settlements has had a significant
impact on the ecological balance, and is now threatening the existence of endemie species
and the diversity of butterflies in parts of Papua. Further research on endemie butterfly
species in the twelve different eco-regions of Papua is urgently needed to provide accurate
data for conservation development planning used by local governmental and nongovernmental organisations working on eco-region conservation.
The main goal ofthis research isto establish the diversity and population distribution of Nymphalid butterflies, especially the subfamilies of Charaxinae, Apaturinae, Nymphalinae, and Heliconiinae in Papua.The research used a descriptive analytic method, with studies of literature. Secondarydata such as research results, specimens in collections (especially Koleksi Serangga Papua – Papuan Insect collection in Jayapura) and other references were studied. The study led to the recognition of 53 species of Nymphalid butterflies occurring in Papua (the western part of New Guinea) consisting of 3 species of the Charaxinae subfamily, 5 species of the Apaturinae subfamily, 32 species of the Nymphalinae subfamily and 13 species of the Heliconiinae subfamily. The results are presented in two tables, one on the Papua Barat Province (Birds head) and the other on the Papua Province.

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SUGAPA 4(3) [2010]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 4 (3) Maret 2010

1. Henk van Mastrigt & Euniche Ramandey
Butterflies of the Island Mioswar, Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: An annotated inventory is presented of the Papilionoidea of Mioswar, based on a
survey in August 2009.
Rangkuman: Daftar spesies disajikan dari Papilionoidea Pulau Mioswar, berdasarkan suatu survei pad a bulan Agustus 2009, dilengkapi dengan sejumlah catatan.
Keywords: Cenderawasih Bay, Inventory.

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 4 (3) Maret 2010

2. Henk van Mastrigt
Mysore and other names of Islands in the Cenderawasih Bay, Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: Mysore is the former name for the islands of Supiori and Biak together, but is often incorrectly applied to the island of Mioswar. This publication considers the historica I use of the names and identifies a number of taxa ambiguous origin. In addition, alternative names of other islands in the Cenderawasih Bay are presented.
Rangkuman: Mysore merupakan nama dulu untuk kepulauan Supiori dan Biak, tetapi sering digunakan secara kurang tepat untuk pulau Mioswar. Karangan ini menyampaikan penggunaan nama itu secara historis dan mengidentifikasi beberapa taxa dari asal yang kurang jelas. Di samping itu disajikan pelbagai nama dari pulau-pulau yang lain di Teluk Cenderawasih.
Keywords: Biak, Supiori, Mioswar, Numfor, Japen

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 4 (3) Maret 2010

3. Rob de Vos
Two new species of Hyalaethea Butler from Indonesian New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Syntominae)

Abstract: Two new remarkable and conspicuous syntomine species have been discovered in the western part of New Guinea. They appear to belong to Hyalaethea Butler, 1887. Bothspecies are described and depicted here. Besides that, a checklist is given of the Syntominae of Indonesian New Guinea as presently known, with pictures of the various species.
Rangkuman: Dua spesies baru yang menoljol dari subfamili Syntominae ditemukan di bagian barat New Guinea. Ternyata termasuk dalam Hyalaethea Butler, 1887. Kedua spesies diletakandi sini. Di samping itu checklist diberikan dari Syntominae di bagian Indonesia dari New Guinea, sesuai dengan pengetahuan sekarang, yang disertahui dengan gambar-gambarnya.
Key words: obraztsovi, attemae, Lobuliceryx novaeguinensis, Baliem Valley, Paniai.

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SUGAPA 4(2) [2009]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 4 (2) Desember 2009

1. Rob de Vos & Jari Hyvarinen
A new Damias species from Biak Island (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae)

Abstract: A new species, Damias biakensis spec. nov., is found on the Island of Biak (Papua, Indonesia). The species is described and compared with related pecies from New Guinea. Adults and female genitalia of the treated species are depicted.
Rangkuman: Suatu spesies baru, Damias biakensis spec. nov., ditemukan di Pulau Biak (Papua, Indonesia). Spesies dideskripsi dan dibandingkan dengan dua spesies dekat dari New Guinea. Gambar dari imago dan dari genetalia betina spesies tersebut disajikan.
Key words: Papua, Indonesia, spec. nov.

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2009, 4 (2) October-December 2009

2.Henk van Mastrigt and Cees Gielis
Some important notes on Alucitidae (Lepidoptera) of Papua, Indonesia, with description of a new species

Abstract: Recently Dr. Cees Gielis published an article of Alucitidae of New Guinea, with a
checklist of the species, including seventeen new described species from Papua, Indonesia. Some errors in above mentioned article are corrected here, a new species is described and the checklist and pictures of species are presented here once again.
Ikhtisar: Baru-baru ini Dr. Cees Gielis terbitkan suatu karangan mengenai Alucitidae dari New Guinea, dengan checklist of NG species, termasuk tujuh belas spesies baru dari Papua, Indonesia. Beberapa kekeliruan dalam karangan tersebut dibetulkan di sini, suatu spesies baru diletakkan dan checklist dan foto-foto disajikan di sini sekali lagi.
Keywords: Alucita, checklist, corrections, spec. nov.

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3. John Kaize & Vincent Kalkman
Records of dragonflies from kabupaten Merauke, Papua, Indonesia collected in 2007 and 2008 (Odonata)

Abstract: Odonata we re collected in the period 9 July to 4 August 2007 and 4 to 16 June
2008 in the surroundings of Merauke, Papua province, Indonesia. In total 37 species were
recorded during the fieldwork bringing the number of species known for the area to 42. It
is estimated, that this is about half of the species present in the area. Of the 42 species
recorded from the Merauke area 38 belong to the families ofCoenagrionidae and Libellulidae. None of the genera endemie to New Guinea were recorded during the fieldwork and only one (Hemicordulia silvarum Ris, 1913) of the recorded species is endemie to New Guinea. The results seem to suggest that -compared to the central mountain range or the area in the north of New Guinea- the southern parts of New Guinea have an impoverished fauna. Further fieldwork in the area should be held in different seasons and should try to sample along running waters.
Ikhtisar: Odonata dikoleksi dari 9 Juli sampai dengan 4 Agustus 2007 dan dari 4 sampai
dengan 16 Juni 2008 di sekitar Merauke, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Jumlah spesies yang
ditangkap selama dua perjalanan ke lapangan sebanyak 37 spesies, meningkatkan jumlah
spesies yang diketahui dari daerah itu menjadi 42 spesies, yang diperkirakan merupakan
setengah dari jumlah spesies yang hadir di situ. Dari 42 spesies yang ditangkap di daerah
Merauke 38 termasuk dalam famill Coenagrionidae dan Libellulidae. Dalam kerja di lapangan tersebut tidak ditangkap spesies dari genus yang endemik di New Guinea dan hanya satu (Hemicordulia silvarum Ris, 1913) dari spesies yang ditangkap merupakan spesies endemik di New Guinea. Hasil memberikan kesan bahwa -dibandingkan dengan
pegunungan tengah atau wilayah utara New Guinea- bagian-bagian selatan dari New
Guinea mempunyai fauna yang menjadi miskin. Kerja lapangan lanjut di wilayah ini sebaikinya diadakan pada semua musim dan terfokus pada kali dan sungai yang mengalir.
Keywords: Zygoptera, Anisoptera, New Guinea, diversity, freshwater

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4. Jaap Zwier
Asota eusemioides Felder, 1874, a new identity for an old moth “versicolor’, from New Guinea

Abstract: In 1794 Fabricius gave the name Noctua versicolor to a moth living in “Americae
Insulis” (= the islands of America), but subsequently the name has been applied rroneously to a moth in the genus Asota (Hübner) living in New Guinea and the surrounding islands. Donovan (1805) was probably the originator of the incorrect usage of this name in using his text, as well as in the legend to a picture in his book about the butterflies and moths of Australia and New Guinea. Subsequently almost all authors have followed Donovan’s error, though it was recognized as an error by Jordan (1897). The name versicolor should therefore not be applied to this New Guinea moth, but replaced by Asota eusemioides Felder, 1874.
Ikhtisar: Pada tahun 1794 Fabricius memberikan nama Asota versicolor terhadap ngengat yang ditemukan di Americae Insulis (Pulau-pulau dari Amerika), tetapi nama ngengat tersebut selanjutnya diikatkan pad a suatu ngengat dari genus Asota (Hübner) yang hadir di New Guinea dan pulau-pulau di sekitarnya. Barangkali Donovan (1805) menjadi sumber kekeliruan tersebut, waktu menulis nama spesies tersebut di dalam teks dan di bawah gambar pada bukunya tentang kupu-kupu dan ngengat dari Australia dan New Guinea. Selanjutnya hampir semua pengarang mengikuti kesalahan Donovan tersebut, walaupun diternukan sebagai kesalahan ol eh Jordan (1897). Maka, nama versicolor jangan diikatkan dengan ngengat dari New Guinea, melainkan diganti dengan nama Asota eusemioides Felder, 1874.

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