SUGAPA 5(2) [2010] <
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 5(2) October-December 2010

1. Henk van Mastrigt
The butterflies of the Genus Delias Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Baliem Valley

Abstract: The records of Delias species encountered by the Archbold II Expedition (1938-1939) in the area of the Baliem Valley and upwards are reviewed and comparison is made with more recent collecting results presented in this paper. Additionally, some notes and comments are made on individual species, including a stat. nov. and three combo nov.
Rangkuman: Hasil Expedisi Archbold II (1938-1939) lagi disajikan, sejauh mana menyangkut Delias dan terfokus pada daerah lembah Baliem ke atas. Perbandingan dibuat dengan hasil yang lebih baru yang disajikan di sin i. Akhirnya sejumlah catatan dan komentar diberikan, termasuk satu stat. nov. dan tiga combo nov.
Keywords: Archbold II Expedition, luteola, combo nov., stat. nov.

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Henk van Mastrigt – Delias Baliem Valley [SUGAPA 5(2) 2010]

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2. John Kaize & Vincent J. Kalkman
On a collection of dragonflies (Odonata) from the Island of Mioswaar (Papua Barat, Indonesia)

Abstract: A total of 28 species of dragonflies we re collected during fieldwork from the 18th to 27th of August 2009. One of these (Argiolestes roon) has since been described as new to science while several others are still undescribed (Argiolestes spec.) or may to be new to science. This small collection shows th at the Island of Mioswaar has a rich and varied dragonfly fauna comparable with that of the mainland. A number of the species have their main range or their nearest relatives on the Bird’s Head Peninsula showing th at the dragonfly fauna of Mioswaar is more related with th at of the Bird’s Head than with that of the vast other part of the mainland of New Guinea.
Rangkuman: Sebanyak 28 spesies capung dikumpul selama kerja lapangan dari 18 sampai dengan 27 Agustus 2009. Sejak itu satu di antaranya (Argiolestes roon) sudah dipertelakan
sebagai spesies baru untuk ilmu, sedangkan sejumlah lain belum dideskripsi (Argiolestes spec.) atau mungkin baru untuk ilmu. Hasil yang terbatas ini menunjukkan bahwa pulau
Mioswaar mempunyai fauna capung yang kaya dan beranekaragam, yang dapat dibandingkan dengan tanah besar. Sejumlah spesies mempunyai daerah distribusinya atau spesies yang paling dekat di semenanjung Kepala Burung. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa fauna capung di Mioswaar lebih erat hubungannya dengan Kepala Burung dari pada dengan bagian luas lainnya dari New Guinea.

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John Kaize-Vincent Kalkman – Odonata from Mioswaar [SUGAPA 5(2) 2010]

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SUGAPA 5(1) [2010]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 5 (1) Juli-September 2010

1. Henk van Mastrigt
Cyrestis acilia (Godart, 1819) in Papua, Indonesia: its distribution, subspecies and forms (Lepidoptera: Apaturinae, Nymphalidae)

Abstract: The taxonomie history of Cyrestis acilia (Godart, 1819), including all described subspecies is summarised. The distribution and current classification of populations
within the Indonesian province of Papua and nearby islands is presented. Two new subspecies are here described and one subspecies is recognised as separate species.
Rangkuman: Sejarah taksonomis dari Cyrestis aeilia (Godart, 1819) disajikan dengan semua subspesies yang disebutkan. Distribusi dan klasifikasi aktual dari populasi-populasi di Papua diberikan, termasuk dari pulau-pulau di sekitar tanah besar, dengan semua bentuk dan variasinya. Dua subspesies baru diletakan dan satu subspesies lain diakui sebagai spesies tersendiri.
Keywords: new subspecies, stat. nov., taxonomie history.

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Students’ Corner

At July 28th, 2009 Santhi Kanony, student of the Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKiP), at Sorong, finished her studies with a final paper (in Indonesian language) on an entomological subject, titled:
Diversitas dan Distribusi Kupu-kupu Famili Nymphalidae pada Habitat Kali, Kebun dan Hutan di Desa Malawor Distrik Makbon Kabupaten Sorong Provinsi Papua Barat
The diversity and distribution of Nymphalid butterflies at the river site, gardens and forest, at Malawor village, District Makbon, Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat Province.
In the first half of 2010, three students of the Universitas Cenderawasih (UNCEN) at Waena, Jayapura finished his studies with a final paper (in Indonesian language) on an entomological subject, as follows:
At 28th January, 2010 Tirza Natalia Agaki with her final paper, titled:
Keragaman Spesies Capung (Odonata) di Daerah Inlet dan Outlet Danau Sentani
The diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) at the inlet and outlet of the Sentani Lake.
At July 8th, 2010 Yarius Pakage with his final paper, titled:
Eksplorasi Keragaman Spesies Belalang Tongkat Ordo Phásmida di Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops Kabupaten Jayapura
The exploiration of the diversity of stick insects Ordo Phásmida in the Natural Reserve of the Cyelops Mountains, Kabupaten Jayapura.
Also at July 8th, 2010 Alfred Kharum Wayeni with his final paper, titled:
Studi Keragaman Kupu-Kupu Superfamili Papilionoidea di Distrik Supiori Barat Kabupaten Supiori
Study on the diversity of butterflies of the Superfamily Papilionoidea in District Supiori Borat, Kabupaten Supiori.
The results of the four studies are presented in this issue of SUGAPA.

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Students’ Corner 1. Santhi Kanony
Diversitas dan Distribusi Kupu-kupu Famili Nymphalidae pada Habitat Kali Klamani, Kebun dan Hutan di Desa Malawor Distrik Makbon Kabupaten Sorong Provinsi Papua Barat

Abstract: This survey studies the diversity and distribution of Nymphalid butterflies at three different sites at the Malawor village, District Makbon, Kabupaten of Sorong, Papua Barat Province. One site is along the banks of the river Klamani, the second in a garden area and the third in the forest. The transact count method was used for this survey and all species of Nymphalid butterflies in the above mentioned area were the object of study. For the analysis of the data the Index diversity of Shannon (H’) was used, for the Equivalence Evenness (e)
and for the Index Similarity the Coefficient of Sorensen (CCs). The survey recorded 46 species of Nymphalid butterfly in total, 33 species along the river, 33 species in the forest and 15 species in the garden area.The highest diversity according to the Shannon Wiener Index was found in the forest site (H’=1.22 and e=O.80);the lowest was found in the garden site (H’=O.82 and e=0.70).
The results of the survey are presented as a table – and Henk van Mastrigt has added some notes on Junonia altiles, one of the most common species in the garden area, and a very dark form of Hypalimnas alimena.

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Students corner – Santhi Kanony [SUGAPA 5(1) 2010]

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Students’ Corner 2. Tirza Natalia Agaki
Keragaman Spesies Capung (Odonata) di Daerah Inlet dan Outlet Danau Sentani

Abstract: The aim of th is study was to know the diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) at the inlet and outlet area of the Sentani Lake. Data were recorded during
32 days (from 19 September till 20 October 2009) in the environment of the Sentani Lake, Jayapura. The analysis of data was done from the end of October till December 2009. The used methods were observation, Count Transect method at Transect Line and documentation.
The result of the survey -at all localities both at inlet as at outlet- consists of 449 specimens, representing 44 species in ten families. At the two inlet areas 298 specimens were recorded representing 35 speciesin 10families: 16speciesof the Family Libelullidae, 11 species of the Coenagrionidae, and 1 species each of the Gomphidae, Aeshnidae, Cordulidae, Calopterygidae, Chlorochypidae, Protoneuridae, Platycnimididae and Platystictidae. At the single outlet area of the Sentani Lake 151 specimens were recorded representing 30 species in seven families: 13 species of the Family Libellulidae, 9 species of the Coenagrionidae, 3 species of the Protoneuridae, and 1 species each of the Gomphidae, Aeshnidae, Chlorocyphidae, and Platystictidae.
The result shows that the diversity of Odonata at the inlet area is higher in comparison with the diversity at the outlet area; the equity of species in inlet and outlet areas is
about the same (ISs= 64.61%). Anisoptera species were more common at open and sunny river sites; Zygoptera were more often found close to bushes and trees at the river banks.

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Students corner – Tirza Natalia Agaki [SUGAPA 5(1) 2010]

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Students’ Corner 3. Alfred Kharum Wayeni
Studi Keragaman Kupu-Kupu Superfamili Papilionoidea di Distrik Supiori Barat Kabupaten Supiori

Abstract: The aim of th is study was to get and actuallist concerning the diversity and distribution of butterflies (Superfamily Papilionoidea) at the Maudori village, District Supiori Barat, Kabupaten Supiori. Besides that special attention should be paid on endemie species. The survey was held during two weeks, for 6 till 19 August, 2007, using the Count transeet method at Transeet Line which was repeated 50 long the number of species still increased. Collecting data was finished after no increase was found any more.
The survey resulted in 66 species,consisting of 9 species Papilionidae, 8 species Pieridae, 15 species Lycaenidae and 34 species Nymphalidae. Only within the Nymphalids was still an increase in the number till the last day, 50 th at an increase of the number was weil possible in a longer period.
During the survey 51 species were observed at Maudori village, 39 species at Siwen and at Napisndi 38 species.The Index diversity for the whole area is 1.70,which is still in the middle category; for the village Maudori it is 1.63;for Napisndi 1.60and for Siwen 1.58,which figures are all in the same middle category. The difference in the diversity
index between the three localities is caused by different habitat, different altitude and the avaible foodplants. tipe habitat, luas lokasi, ketinggian lokasi dan juga ketersediaan sumber pakan.
The Index Similarity of the three localities is quite high: for Maudori and Siwen it is 0.64; for Maudori and Napisndi 0.63 and for Siwen and Napisndi 0.60, which is caused by the close distance between the three localities.
During this survey some endemie species for the Cenderawasih Bay islands were recorded as Pareronia chinki, Delias talboti, Ideopsis hewitsonii, Taenaris scylla and
Cirrochroa imperatrix.

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Students corner – Alfred Kharum Wayeni [SUGAPA 5(1) 2010]

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Students’ Corner 4. Yarius Pakage
Eksporasi Keragaman Spesies Belalang Tongkat Ordo Phásmida di Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cydops Kabupaten Jayapura

Abstract: A survey on diversity, habitat and food plants of Phásmida in the Natural Reserveofthe Cyclops Mountains (CAPC= Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops) was held during two months, from June 28 to August 29, 2008, using transect line. Technique of collecting was according to instructions ofthe Phásmida Study Project, in Switzerland. Members of four subfamilies of Phásmida were recorded: Eurycanthinae (6 species), Necrosciinae (2 species), Phasmatinae (1 species), and Platycraninae (1 species), all included in the family Phasmatidae. Within the Eurycanthinae two genera were recorded Dimorphodes and Neopromachus. In CAPC Dimorphodes is presented by D. prostastis, and Neopromachus by five species N. wallacei and four other species, unidentified till now. However, two of these -according to Mr. Kneubuhler (pers.comm.)- are probably new species. The Necrosciinae subfamily is presented by two Sosibia sp. and the Phasmatinae subfamily only by Anchiale maculata. Also the Platycraninae are represented by a single species: Graeffea striaticollis. Phásmida belong to the herbivor insects. Anchiale maculata and Sosibia eat the leaves of jambu biji; Psidium guajava and Graeffea striaticollis eat the leaves of sagu Metroxylon sagu. The habitat of Phásmida is primary and secondary forest, as many of their food plants are available there.

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Students corner – Yarius Pakage [SUGAPA 5(1) 2010]

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SUGAPA 4(4) [2010]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2010, 4 (4) April – June 2010

1.Francesco Vitali & Herlina Menufandu
A new species of Protilema Aurivillius, 1908 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Morimopsini) from Waigeu Island, New Guinea

Summary: Protilema papus spec. nov. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is described from the
Waigeu Island (lndonesia, West Papua). Observations regarding congener species and other genera of the tribe Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 from New Guinea are provided.
Ikhtisar: Satu spesis baru dari Protilema yang di nama i Protilema papus spec. nov. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) ditemukan di Pulau Waigeu, Provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia. Penemuanpenemuan spesis yang dekat dan genera lain dari Tribus Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 asal New Guinea disajikan pula.
Keywords: Lamiinae, Indonesia, West Papua

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2.Francesco Vitali
Taxonomie and synonymie notes about some Indonesian species of the genus Acalolepta Paseoe, 1858 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiini)

Summary: Four Indonesian Acalolepta-species (convexa Pascoe,1866;solata Pascoe,1866;
botanica Aurivillius, 1926 and solata nodias Kriesche, 1936) are investigated. Acalolepta
(Aurivillius, 1926) is considered as a senior synonym of A. solata nodias (Kriesche, 1936) syn. nov. Acalolepta solata (Pascoe,1866) combo nov. is removed from the synonymy with Acalolepta convexa (Pascoe,1866).
Ikhtisar: Empatspesis Acalolepta yang adadi Indonesia(convexa Pascoe,1866; solata Pascoe, 1866; botanica Aurivillius, 1926 dan solata nodias Kriesche, 1936) diselidiki. A. botanica (Aurivillius, 1926) dinilai sebagai sinonim senior dari A. solata nodia (Kriesche, 1936) syn. nov. A. solata (Pascoe, 1866) tidak lagi dinilai sebagai sinonim dengan A.
(Pascoe, 1866).
Key-words: Lamiinae,Moluccas,New Guinea,combonov., syn. nov.

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