3. Frans Groenen
The Papuan Tortricidae-Fauna (Lepidoptera): Dicephalarcha sicca Diakonoff, 1973 (Olethreutinae: Olethreutini) new for Papua.

Abstract: Dicephalarcha sicca Diakonoff, 1973 (Olethreutinae: Olethreutini) was only known from Java and is herewith reported as new for Papua, Indonesia.
Rangkuman: Dicephalarcha sicca Diakonoff, 1973 (Olethreutinae: Olethreutini) hanya diketahui dari Jawa dan dengan ini dilaporkan sebagai penemuan baru dari Papua, Indonesia.
Keywords: distribution, Indonesia, Java, New Guinea, new record.

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Frans Groenen – Dicephalarcha sicca SUGAPA 7(3) [2013]

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4. Ian J. Kitching
A new species of Cypa from New Guinea (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Smerinthinae)

Abstract: A new species of the hawkmoth genus Cypa, Cypa moniensis spec. nov., is described based on a single male from Bilogai, in the Central Mountain Range of Papua province,
Indonesia. It is easily distinguished from all other members of the genus by features of the habitus and the male genitalia. A checklist of species in the genus is also provided.
Rangkuman: Suatu spesies baru dari genus hawkmoth Cypa, Cypa moniensis spec. nov. dipertelakan berdasarkan hanya satu jantan saja dari Bilogai, di Pegunungan Tengah, Provinsi
Papua, Indonesia. Spesies ini mudah dibedakan dari semua anggota lain genus ini dengan ciri-ciri habitus dan genetalia jantan. Suatu daftar spesies pada genus ini disajikan pula.
Keywords: hawkmoth, Indonesia, Papua.
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SUGAPA 7(2) [2012]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2012, 7 (2) Oktober-Desember 2012

1. Henk van Mastrigt & Chris Davenport
Some notes on Delias albertisi (Oberthür, 1880)(Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract: The original description of Delias albertisi discoides Talbot, 1937 was based on a single female. The male is now described from the same locality in the Cyclops Mountains near Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia and the male and female are pictured for the first time. In addition, the status of two other subspecies, D. albertisi putih and D. albertisi tamamitsui, are re-classified as D. putih putih Van Mastrigt,1996 stat. nov. and D. putih tamamitsui Morita,1996 combo nov.
Rangkuman: Deskripsi asli Delias albertisi discoides Talbot, 1937 berdasarkan satu betina saja. Dalam karangan ini jantan dideskripsi yang diperoleh dari tempat yang samia, yaitu Pegunungan Cyclops di Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia dan gambar jantan dan betina disajikan untuk pertama kalinya. Selanjutnya status dari dua subspecies direvisi menjadi D. putih putih Van Mastrigt,1996 stat. nov. dan D. putih tamamitsui Morita, 1996 combo nov.
Key-words: male D. albertisi discoides, D. albertisi putih, D. albertisi tamamitsui, Papua, Cyclops Mountains, combo nov., stat. nov.

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Van Mastrigt & Davenport [2012] SUGAPA 7(2)

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2. Mark Goode
Notes on Papilio albinus Wallace, 1865 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) from Papua, Indonesia induding descriptions of new subspecies

Abstract: Three new subspecies of Papilio albinus Wallace, 1865 are described from Papua, Indonesia, with the status of the taxon Papilio albinus var. leucophanes Grose-Smith, 1894 revised as being representative of a distinctive subspecies of Papilio albinus Wallace, 1865. Details pertaining to the genera I ecology and taxonomy ofthe species are also discussed.
Rangkuman: Tiga subspesies baru Papilio albinus Wallace, 1865, dipertelakan dari Papua, Indonesia, dan status Papilio albinus var. leucophanes Grose-Smith, 1894 direvisi menjadi suatu subspeslestersendlri dari Papilio albinus Waliace, 1865. Karangan inijuga membahas rincian menyangkut ekologi umum dan taksonomi spesies tersebut.
Key-words: Misool Island, Papilio albinus lesches, Papilio fuscus, Papilio heringi, Yahukimo, Yapen Island

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Goode [2012] SUGAPA 7(2)

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SUGAPA 7(1) [2012]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2012, 7 (1) Juli-September 2012

1. Henk van Mastrigt
Inventory of Delias Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera:Pieridae) from the western Star Mountains,Papua, Indonesia

Abstract: An inventory of species of the genus Delias in the western Star Mountains is presented and comparison is made with records from the eastern Star Mountains in PNG.
The subspecific classification of seven species is reviewed and changes are proposed to the following taxa; D. frater sorar combo nov., D. frater far combo nov., D.luctuosa versteetor syn. nov., D. luctuosa kuning syn. nov., D. iltis bultemensis syn. nov., D. hemianops felis stat. nov., D. raepkei pellos syn. nov. and D. niepelti henki syn. nov.
Rangkuman: Daftar inventarisasi disajikan dari Delias di Pegunungan Bintang bagian barat. Perbandingan dibuat dengan hasil dari Pegunungan Bintang bagian timur di PNG. Perhatiankhusus diberikan kepada tujuh spesies, yang menghasilkan D. frater sorar combo nov., D. frater far combo nov., D. luctuosa versicolor syn. nov., D. luctuosa kuning syn. nov., D. i1tis bultemensis syn. nov., D. hemianops felis stat. nov ., D. raepkei pellos syn. nov. and D. niepelti henki syn. nov.
Key-words: combo nov., stat. nov., syn. nov., eastern Star Mts

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Van Mastrigt – Delias from Star Mts SUGAPA 7(1) [2012]

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2. F. Groenen
The Papuan Tortricidae-Fauna (Lepidoptera):A new species of the genus Icelita Bradley, 1957 (Olethreutinae: Eucosmini).

Abstract: One new Olethreutinae species, Icelita papuarana spec. nov. is deseribed from Papua, Indonesia. Some additional descriptions of characters of the related I. tatarana Bradley, 1957 are compared with the new species.
Rangkuman: Satu spesies baru dari Olethreutinae, Icelita papuarana spec. nov. dari Papua, Indonesia dipertelakan. Beberapa deskripsi tambahan dari ciri khas I. tatarana Bradley, 1957 yang relasinya dekat, dibandingkan dengan spesies baru ini.
Keywords: Icelita, species novae, Icelita tatarana, New Guinea, distribution.
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SUGAPA 6(4) [2012]
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Suara Serangga Papua, 2012, 7 (1) Juli-September 2012

1. Mark Goode & Danny Burk
Some notes on Papilio lorquinianus C. & R. Felder, 1865 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Papua, Indonesia, with the description of a new subspecies

Abstract: A new subspecies of Papilio lorquinianus C. & R. Felder, 1865 is described from the foothills of the Van Rees Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia; additionally, a recent capture of Papilio lorquinianus dewaro Joicey & Talbot, 1922 is confirmed from the Jamur Lake area of Papua.
Rangkuman: Subspesies baru Papilio lorquinianus C. & R. Felder, 1865 dipertelakan dari kaki Pegunungan Van Rees, Provinsi Papua, Indonesia; selanjutnya kehadiran aktual Papilio lorquinianus dewaro Joicey & Talbot, 1922 di wilayah Danau Jamur, Papua, dibenarkan.
Keywords: Avona, Doberai Peninsula, Jamur, Mamberamo River, Papilio lorquinianus avona, Papilio lorquinianus dewaro, Papilio lorquinianus roxanae, Wandammen (Wondiboy) Mountains, West Papua Province, Weyland Mountains.

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Goode & Burk – Papilio lorquinianus [SUGAPA 6(4) 2012]

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Suara Serangga Papua, 2012, 6 (4) Juni 2012

2. Rob de Vos
Revised generic position of the Palaeosia and Calamidia related species in New Guinea (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)

Abstract: The generic position of four species which were traditionally placed in either Palaeosia Hampson, 1900 or Calamidia Butler, 1877 is revised. It turned out that Palaeosia and Calamidia are endemic to Australia and that the species in New Guinea belong to three other genera of which two are new: Oeonosia Hampson, 1914, Semicalamidia gen. nov. and Neosyntaxis gen. nov. Calamidia castanea Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. is synonymized with Ilema owgarra Bethune-Baker, 1908, Calamidia reticulata Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. is synonymized with Palaeosia longistriga Bethune-Baker, 1908, Calamidia warringtonella goliathina Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. is synonymized with Ilema warringtonella Bethune-Baker, 1908 s.str. and two new species, Oeonosia cruda spec. nov. and O. abenaho spec. nov., are described. Striosia irrorata (Rothschild, 1912) is compared with the treated species.
Rangkuman: Posisi generik empat spesies yang secara tradisional dimasukkan dalam atau Palaeosia Hampson, 1900 atau Calamia Butler, 1877 direvisi. Revisi ini menghasilkan bahwa Palaeosia dan Calamidia merupakan genus yang endemik di Australia dan bahwa spesiesspesies di New Guinea termasuk dalam tiga genus lain, termasuk dua genus yang baru: Oeonosia Hampson, 1914, Semicalamidia gen. nov. dan Neosyntaxis gen. nov. Calamidia castanea Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan Ilema owgarra Bethune-Baker, 1908, Calamidia reticulata Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan Palaeosia longistriga Bethune-Baker, 1908, Calamidia warringtonella goliathina Rothschild, 1912 syn. nov. dinyatakan sinonim dengan Ilema warringtonella Bethune-Baker, 1908 s.str. dan dua spesies baru,Oeonosia cruda spec. nov. dan O. abenaho spec. nov., dipertelakan. Striosia irrorata (Rothschild, 1912) dibandingkan dengan spesies yang tersebut di atas.

Keywords: Lithosiina, Oeonosia, Semicalamidia, Neosyntaxis, Striosia, new species, New Guinea, Papua, Australia.

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SUGAPA 6(3) [2012]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

Suara Serangga Papua, 2012, 6 (3) Januari-Maret 2012

1. Henk van Mastrigt
Review of Delias hypomelas group on New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

Abstract:The relationship of Delias hypomelas Rothschild & Jordan, 1907 and Delias argentata Roepke, 1955 is reviewed, resulting in synonymization all D. hypomelas subspecies with the nominate species and reclassification of D. argentata and D. destrigata as forms of D. hypomelas. The distribution of all forms of D. hypomelas, on the mainland of New Guinea (Papua and Papua New Guinea together) is also summarised.
Rangkuman: Hubungan Delias hypomelas Rothschild & Jordan, 1907 dan Delias argentata Roepke, 1955, direvisi, dengan hasil bahwa semua subspesies D. hypomelas dinyatakan sinonim dengan spesies itu dan bahwa D. argentata dan D. destrigata diberikan klasifikasi baru menjadi form dari D. hypomelas. Sekaligus peta distribusi semua bentuk D. hypomelas di tanah besar New Guinea (Papua dan Papua New Guinea bersama) dirangkum.
Keywords: review, new synonyms, distribution, D. hypomelas, D. argentata, D. destrigata.

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Henk van Mastrigt – Delias hypomelas group [SUGAPA 6(3)2012]

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2. Stefan Schröder
“Feider’s Hedge Blue” – Lycaenopsis haraldus (Fabricius 1787) – recorded trom Papua, Indonesia(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae).

Abstract: Lycaenapsis haraldus -knaw from Sunda /s/ands- is reported from the Birdshead af Papua, a new record îor this area.
Ikhtisar: Lycaenapsis haraldus yang diketahui dari pulau-pulau Sunda dilaparkan dari Kepala Burung di Papua, penemuan baru untuk wilayah ini.
Keywords: first record from Papua

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Stefan Schröder – Lycaenopsis haraldus [SUGAPA 6(3)2012]

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