Author Archives: siep

SUGAPA 1(4) [2007]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1.Beatrix Wanma. Practical training at Ambaidiru Village, Serui Continue reading

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2.Edy Michelis Rosariyanto. Old memories in the Wondiwoi Mountains Reserve Continue reading

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3.Rinto Herry Mambrasar. Survey at Mokwam Village, Kabupaten Manokwari Continue reading

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4.Rinto Herry Mambrasar. Desa Sansundi, North Biak Continue reading

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SUGAPA 1(3) [2007]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1.Euniche Ramanday. ‘Debetkun’ as an alternative source of protein Continue reading

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2.Herlina Menufandu. Hunting bugs in Pass Valley Continue reading

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3.Henk van Mastrigt. ‘Tonggeret’ delicacy for Papua people Continue reading

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4.Herlina Menufandu. Indigenous knowledge about beetles by the Yali tribe Continue reading

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5.Daawia & Supeni Sufaati. Survey on food plants of larvae and butterflies of the Papilionidae at the Reserve Cyclops Mountains, Jayapura Continue reading

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SUGAPA 1(2) [2006]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1.Evie L. Warikar. Survey on south side of Mt Bonsupiori at Supiori Continue reading

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