Author Archives: siep

2. Vincent J. Kalkman, Henk van Mastrigt & Stephen J. Richards. First records of dragonflies (Odonata) from the FojaMountains, Papua Province, Indonesia Continue reading

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3. Students’ Corner Continue reading

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SUGAPA 3(4) [2009]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1.D. Peggie , R.I. Vane-Wrighe & H. v. Mastrigt. A new member of the Ideopsis gaura superspecies(Lepidoptera: Danainae) from the Foja Mountains,Papua, Indonesia Continue reading

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2. Gerrit Withaar
Addenda & Corrigenda
The distribution of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini), with the description of six new species from the Indonesian islands Flores and Sulawesi Continue reading

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3. Student’s corner. Continue reading

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SUGAPA 3(3) [2009] <
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1. Henk van Mastrigt. Some notes on Delias (Hübner, 1819) from the FojaMountains, Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Continue reading

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2. Gerrit Withaar. The distribution of the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Tmesisternini), with the description of six new species from the Indonesian islands Flores and Sulawesi Continue reading

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SUGAPA 3(2) [2008]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1.Henk van Mastrigt. Introduced species of Lepidoptera in Papua Continue reading

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2.Chris Davenport & Henk van Mastrigt. Revision of Delias mysis (Fabricius, 1775) and closely related species (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Continue reading

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SUGAPA 3(1) [2008]
The cover of this Volume can be found on the page Covers

1. Rob de Vos. Scoliacma suzannae and S. adriani, two new species from Papua, Indonesia, and S. flava synonymized with S. heringi (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) Continue reading

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