5.János Oláh & Peter Jan de Vries
New Baliomorpha species (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae) from Papua, Indonesia, with plesiomorphic state of the phallic head
Abstract: The caddisfly species, Baliomorpha cyclopsensis spec. nov., from the Cyclops Mts. of Indonesian Papua is described, with a brief outline of presentation and a discussion on the transformation series of the character states of the speciation traits, that is of the phallic head in the entire Hydropsychidae together with its incongruent nature.
Rangkuman: Spesies Caddisfly, Baliomorpha cyclopsensis spec. nov., dideskripsikan dari Pegunungan Cyclops Papua, dengan outline singkat presentasi dan diskusi pada rangkaian transformasi karakter dari karakter spesiasi yaitu kepala phalilc pada seluruh Hydropsychidae bersama dengan ketidaksesuaiannya dengan alam.
Keywords: Trichoptera, new species, New Guinea, Baliomorpha.
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