2. Gerrit Withaar
New species of the genus Tmesisternus from New Guinea and the Maluku Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Laminae, Tmesisternini)
Abstract: Eight new species in the genus Tmesisternus Latreille, 1829 have been identified. Three of the new species are found in Papua New Guinea, four in Papua, Indonesia and one in the Maluku Islands. The species are described and a comparison is made between some similar species. The habitus of the holotypes and male genital drawings are depicted.
Rangkuman: Delapan spesies baru dalam Genus Tmesisternus Latreille 1829 sudah diidentifikasi. Tiga dari spesies baru tersebut ditemukan di Papua New Guinea, empat spesies dari Papua, Indonesia dan satu spesies dari Kepulauan Maluku. Spesies-spesies tersebut dideskripsi dan perbandingan dibuat untuk spesies yang sama. Diberikan deskripsi habitus dari holotype dan gambar kelamin jantan.
Keywords: Tmesisternus, new species, New Guinea.
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2-Gerrit Withaar – New species of the genus Tmesisternus from New Guinea and the Maluku Islands [SUGAPA digital 10(2)]